Ogi Ogas
Ogi Ogas

The "MILF-lovers" facebook group asserts in its mission statement, "we love the experience and confidence of older women. How she is comfortable seducing a young guy, then fucking him with abandon and no romantic complications.

Ogi Ogas
Ogi Ogas

Many american women habitually wear shoes that are too small for their feet. Women themselves often seem to erotize their feet.

Ogi Ogas
Ogi Ogas

For men, the penis can never be too big, apparently just .2 percent of men wish they had a smaller penis, compared to 9 percent of women who wish they had smaller breasts.

Ogi Ogas
Ogi Ogas

Together, the amygdala and the hypothalamus urge a man to pay attention: "wow look at those curves".

In other words, what you may have long suspected is true: men's brains are designed to objectify females.

Ogi Ogas
Ogi Ogas

In 1886. Krafft Ebing published a landmark book. He deliberately wrote sections in latin and chose a latin title in order to discourage laypeople from reading it. The book was Psychopatia Sexualis. It addresses such arcane topics as clitoral stimulation, reduced libido and homosexuality. The discipline Krafft Ebing founded is known as Sexology.

Ogi Ogas
Ogi Ogas

So what is the single most popular search term users enter into the pornhub search engine?


Ogi Ogas
Ogi Ogas

with the advent of the internet, Japanese anime spread throughout the world. Japenese anime (hentai) is the most search type of erotic animation or the erotic art in US, Russia, Brazil, France, Thailand and Australia.

Ogi Ogas
Ogi Ogas

A nonovulating female baboon was fitted with a "fake baboon butt". The artificially enhanced female was kept in a separate cage where she was visible to males, but could not be touched by them. The experiment counted the number of times the male baboons masturbated. The bigger the brighter the butt, the more the male baboons pleasured themselves.

Ogi Ogas
Ogi Ogas

Gergens research asked "what people do under conditions of extreme anonymity?"

In experiment, five young man and woman entered a small room one at a time. They did not know one another before experiment and they kept isolated before they entered the room. Once they entered, they were free to do whatever they liked. But what made this experiment interesting was the room itself. It was


So what did these anonymous strangers do? At first they talked, but conversation soon slacked off. Then the touching and even kissing began.

At the end of the experiment one of the man attended the experiment offered money for Gergen to be let back into the room.

Ogi Ogas
Ogi Ogas

On the web, men prefer images. Women prefer stories.

Ogi Ogas
Ogi Ogas

A 2010 study found that women age between 27 to 45 have more sexual fantasies, a greater willingness to have one-night stands, and a greater willingness to have casual sex than women in other age ranges.

Ogi Ogas
Ogi Ogas

A recent girl scouts survey found that almost nine out of ten girls between 13 and 17 say they feel pressured by the fashion and media industries to be skinny.

Ogi Ogas
Ogi Ogas

"it's simply better when there is more" explains a 31 year old engineer and big beautiful women fan from pennsylvania. "Tits are great an ass is great why wouldn't I want more? It's just nice to feel a women there with you instead of trying to search for even a bit of some skeletal girl's arm or leg to hold on to when you're having sex."

Bigger (fat) girls will have more fun and will

work twice as hard to meed the standards of the skinny girls most people find attractive.