Tony Banks
Tony Banks

At one point Portillo was polishing his jackboots and planning the next advance. And the next thing is he shows up as a TV presenter. It is rather like Pol Pot presenting the Teletubbies.

Zbigniew Brzezinski
Zbigniew Brzezinski

I encouraged the Chinese to support Pol Pot. I encouraged the Thai to help the Khmer Rouge. The question was how to help the Cambodian people. Pol Pot was an abomination. We could never support him. But China could.

Brent Budowsky
Brent Budowsky

I agree with the libertarianism offered by candidates from former Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) to Johnson, and on other issues I do not. For example, I agree with the libertarian opposition to infringement on civil liberties in the Big Brother state that has grown with widespread eavesdropping from big government, and I agree with libertarians on their opposition to what is called the war on drugs, and

I believe pot should be legalized (and Jack Daniels should always remain legal!). I do not agree with the degree of laissez-faire advocated by libertarians in an economy that I believe is rigged by big business and their lobbyists and campaign donations.

Kate Bush
Kate Bush

Well, you won't get me with your Belladonna — in the coffee,
And you won't get me with your aresenic — in the pot of tea,
And you won't get me in a hole to rot — with your hemlock
On the rocks.

Julia Child
Julia Child

Always start out with a larger pot than what you think you need.

Chris Cornell
Chris Cornell

I had a bad PCP [angel dust] experience when I was 14 and I got panic disorder. And of course, I wasn’t telling anyone the truth. It’s not like you go to your dad or your doctor and say, Yeah, I smoked PCP and I’m having a bad time.” So I became more or less agoraphobic because I’d have flashbacks. From 14 to 16, I didn’t have any friends. I stayed home most of the time. Up till then

life was pretty great. The world was big and I felt I could do anything I wanted. Suddenly, I felt like I couldn’t do anything. But in the isolation, my imagination really had time to run. I never did any drugs until my late 20s. Unfortunately, being a child of two alcoholics, I started drinking a lot, and that’s what eventually got me back into drugs. You often hear that pot leads to harder

drugs. But I think alcohol is what leads you to everything, because it takes away the fear. The worst drug experimentation I ever did was because I was drunk and didn’t care.

Nick Diaz
Nick Diaz

Training and smoking pot like I should, instead of paying attention to other bullshit

Alfred Hitchcock
Alfred Hitchcock

Chez le dénommé Pilgrim, il y avait un je ne sais quoi de vicié, de détérioré, de pas frais. " Râpé " ou " mité " , serait peut-être le mot qui aurait convenu, mais appliqué à un être humain. Il était difficile de ne pas le considérer un peu à la manière d'une efficiente ménagère examinant un pot de confiture faite à la maison, et repérant à sa surface une tache

de moisi. Bon au goût mais douteux, se dirait-elle ; dommage quand même de laisser perdre ça. Donnons-le vite aux pauvres. Voilà, me semblait-il, l'effet que produisait Pilgrim.

Tove Jansson
Tove Jansson

À cinq heures, sortant du magasin,
Moumine marchait sur le chemin.
Le petit troll rapportait un pot de lait à la maison.
Mais que ce chemin était effrayant et long,
avec le vent qui soupirait et qui sifflait
à travers les arbres sombres de la forêt !
Le crépuscule allait bientôt envahir le sous-bois...

Arthur C. Clarke
Arthur C. Clarke

- Donnez moi de vos nouvelles, les gars.
Elle brancha le com et les vidéoplaques.
- Quelle est la situation dans le carré ? Tony ? Angus ?
- Eh bien…, je ne saurais trop conseiller de rester couché bien à plat lorsqu'on subit une accélération de dix g pendant dix bonne minutes, répondit Angus McNeil, un ingénieur dont le visage rond apparaissait sur nos moniteurs.

Surtout à ceux qui souffrent d'une scoliose.
- Exact. J'aurais mieux apprécié ce repos forcé si je n'avais pas été écrasé par un énorme pot de fleur qui est tombé sur mon ventre, fit une voix joyeuse.
Celle de Tony Groves, le navigateur.
- Ce n'est pas un pot de fleur mais ton casque, fit remarquer McNeil.
- Tu en es sûr ?
- Et notre passager ? voulut

savoir Walsh.
Il y eut un silence, que Groves décida de rompre :
- Je crains que sir Randolph n'ait pas assez de souffle pour se lancer dans un nouveau discours, mais il respire encore.
- Dommage, grommela quelqu'un.