Karl Barth
Karl Barth

The Resurrection is the emergence of the necessity of giving glory to God: the reckoning with what is unknown and unobservable in Jesus, the recognition of Him as Paradox, Victor and Primal History.

Gerard Bilders
Gerard Bilders

I agree completely with your remark that in the struggle against nature lies already a part of art, and really pleasant is for me already the feeling of returning as a victor from small skirmishes, although in the great battle one always feels still defeated. As you advised me, I have made sketches of skies, indicating the effect in them, and making a note for the important colors; I also did

better in making a small sky; at least people think so.

Léonid Brejnev
Léonid Brejnev

I shall add that only he who has decided to commit suicide can start a nuclear war in the hope of emerging a victor from it. No matter what the attacker might possess, no matter what method of unleashing nuclear war he chooses, he will not attain his aims. Retribution will inevitably ensue.

Bernard Brodie
Bernard Brodie

In wars throughout history, events have generally proved the pre-hostilities calculations of both sides, victor as well as loser, to have been seriously wrong.

Giordano Bruno
Giordano Bruno

Even to have come forth is something, since I see that being able to conquer is placed in the hands of fate. However, there was in me, whatever I was able to do, that which no future century will deny to be mine, that which a victor could have for his own: Not to have feared to die, not to have yielded to any equal in firmness of nature, and to have preferred a courageous death to a noncombatant


Pearl S.  Buck
Pearl S. Buck

In any war a victory means another war, and yet another, until some day inevitably the tides turn, and the victor is the vanquished, and the circle reverses itself, but remains nevertheless a circle. … I came home more torn in heart than any child should be, for I saw that each side was right as well as wrong, and I yearned over both in a helpless fashion, unable to see how, history being what

it was, anything now could be done.

Anthony Burgess
Anthony Burgess

The country will absorb you and you will cease to be Victor Crabbe. You will less and less find it possible to do the work for which you were sent here. You will lose function and identity. You will be swallowed up and become another kind of eccentric. You may become a Muslim. You may forget your English, or at least lose your English accent. You may end in a kampong, no longer a foreigner, an old

brownish man with many wives and children, one of the elders whom the young will be encouraged to consult on matters of the heart. You will be ruined.

Jean Cocteau
Jean Cocteau

Victor Hugo was a madman who thought he was Victor Hugo.

Aleister Crowley
Aleister Crowley

There is little danger that any student, however idle or stupid, will fail to get some result; but there is great danger that he will be led astray, obsessed and overwhelmed by his results, even though it be by those which it is necessary that he should attain. Too often, moreover, he mistaketh the first resting-place for the goal, and taketh off his armour as if he were a victor ere the fight is

well begun.
It is desirable that the student should never attach to any result the importance which it at first seems to possess.

Diego Maradona
Diego Maradona

Un génie, un génie, un génie, gooooool.... Je veux pleurer. Dieu Saint, vive le football ! Golaaazooo! Diegoooool !Maradona. C'est à pleurer. Maradona dans une course mémorable, la plus belle action de tous les temps... Un cerf-volant cosmique.... De quelle planète viens tu pour laisser sur ton chemin autant d'anglais... Merci Dieu, pour le football, pour Maradona, pour ces larmes.

Victor Hugo Morales - Juin 1986