Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise

I believe in God. … There is no way you can be up here [in the Rocky Mountains] and think that there isn't a God.

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise

We are the authorities on getting people off drugs. We are the authorities on the mind. We are the authorities on improving conditions. Criminon (sic).

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise

I have to tell you something. It really is, you know, it's rough and tumble. It's wild and woolly. It's a blast…it's a blast. It really is fun, because dammit, there's nothing better than to going out there and fighting the fight…

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise

There was a time I went through [the Scientology doctrine], I said, you know what, when I read it, I just thought 'Woah', this is it. This is exactly it.

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise

It's like, we're here to help. If you're a Scientologist, you see life, things, the way they are, in all its glory, in all of its perplexity, and the more you know as a Scientologist, the more you become overwhelmed by it.

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise

But even when I started out with Risky Business and Top Gun came out, there was the paparazzi. You knew them, and I could go up to them and say, 'Give me a break tonight. I'll give you the shots tomorrow.

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise

Sex is about the connection. Great sex is a by-product, for me, of a great relationship, where you have communication and it's an extension of that. Where it's just free. And that's how it should be. It's spectacular.

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise

Being a Scientologist, when you drive past an accident, it's not like anyone else, it's, you drive past, you know you have to do something about it. You know you are the only one who can really help. That's what drives me.

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise

I kept looking [at wife Katie Holmes] and thinking, 'This woman's amazing.' I'm happy that I'm with her. She's amazing, and I'd think the same of her even if she wasn't with me -- she's just amazing.

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise

That's laughable to me. That stuff's laughable.

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise

I want to know that I've done everything I could every day I think of all those people out there who are depending on us. I think about it. It does make me feel we need more work, more help. Get those spectators on the playing field, or out of the arena. Really, that is how I feel about it. I do what I can, and I do it the way I do everything… there's nothing part of the way for me.

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise

The important thing with a child is that you love them, you protect them and you help them to grow and find out who they are. And as a parent, it's my responsibility to help them to become independent and get all the knowledge and a broad view of the world and life. I know that Nic [former wife Nicole Kidman] absolutely agrees with that. And that's what's important: being there.

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise

It was more than fun, and it was more than great… It was historic. What Oprah did by acknowledging those women… they've not only had an impact on women, and African-American women, but on men, and on the world. They really have changed the culture for the better. It's a great inspiration.

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise

I think it's a privilege to call yourself a Scientologist and it's something you have to earn. And because a Scientologist does, he or she has the ability to create new and better realities, and improve conditions.