Ramsey Clark
Ramsey Clark

The world is the most dangerous place it's ever been now because of what our country has done, and is doing, and we have to take it back.

Ramsey Clark
Ramsey Clark

Abu Ghraib is unbelievable in the innocent times of 1961. That we would torture people that way and on the instructions of the President of the United States and his highest legal advisers, torture is okay, they said. Go for it, fellas. If we can't renounce that and remove it from office, then the Constitution doesn't work anymore.

Ramsey Clark
Ramsey Clark

He (Saddam) had this huge war going on, and you have to act firmly when you have an assassination attempt.

Ramsey Clark
Ramsey Clark

Our overriding purpose, from the beginning right through to the present day, has been world domination — that is, to build and maintain the capacity to coerce everybody else on the planet: nonviolently, if possible; and violently, if necessary. But the purpose of our foreign policy of domination is not just to make the rest of the world jump through hoops; the purpose is to facilitate our

exploitation of resources. And insofar as any people or states get in the way of our domination, they must be eliminated — or, at the very least, shown the error of their ways.

Ramsey Clark
Ramsey Clark

There can't be any more Fallujahs. Fallujah is the 21st century equivalent of Guernica. We just went in and destroyed that city, drove the people out, killed them, thousands. We don't know how many.

Ramsey Clark
Ramsey Clark

A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you.