Dinah Craik
Dinah Craik

Those who do the most, often talk — sometimes think — the least: yet thinkers, talkers, and doers, being in earnest, achieve their appointed end. The thinkers put wisdom into the mouth of the speakers, and both strive together to animate and counsel the doers. Thus all work harmoniously together

Dinah Craik
Dinah Craik

Oh, the comfort — the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person — having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are, chaff and grain together; certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then with the breath of kindness blow the rest away.

Dinah Craik
Dinah Craik

Give us one heart, one tongue, one faith, one love.
In Thy great Oneness made complete and strong —
To do Thy work throughout the happy world —
Thy world, All-merciful, Thy perfect world.

Dinah Craik
Dinah Craik

Wist ye not
That I must be about my Father's business?

Dinah Craik
Dinah Craik

No virtue ever was founded on a lie.

Dinah Craik
Dinah Craik

When faith and hope fail, as they do sometimes, we must try charity, which is love in action.

Dinah Craik
Dinah Craik

The irrevocable Hand
That opes the year's fair gate, doth ope and shut
The portals of our earthly destinies;
We walk through blindfold, and the noiseless doors
Close after us, for ever.

Dinah Craik
Dinah Craik

O Thou that openest, and no man shuts;
That shut'st, and no man opens — Thee we wait!

Dinah Craik
Dinah Craik

And all day long, so close and near,
As in a mystic dream I hear
Their gentle accents kind and dear —
The old familiar voices.

Dinah Craik
Dinah Craik

Down in the deep, up in the sky,
I see them always, far or nigh,
And I shall see them till I die —

Dinah Craik
Dinah Craik

Sweet April-time — O cruel April-time!

Dinah Craik
Dinah Craik

Let Thy wide hand
Gather us all — with none left out (O God!
Leave Thou out none!) from the east and from the west.

Dinah Craik
Dinah Craik

Meek — as the meek that shall inherit earth,
Pure — as the pure in heart that shall see God.

Dinah Craik
Dinah Craik

I fear, the inevitable conclusion we must all come to is, that in the world happiness is quite indefinable. We can no more grasp it than we can grasp the sun in the sky or the moon in the water.

Dinah Craik
Dinah Craik

Let every one of us cultivate, in every word that issues from our mouth, absolute truth.

Dinah Craik
Dinah Craik

Do your neighbour good by all means in your power, moral as well as physical — by kindness, by patience, by unflinching resistance against every outward evil — by the silent preaching of your own contrary life.

Dinah Craik
Dinah Craik

Nevertheless, taking life as a whole, believing that it consists not in what we have, but in our power of enjoying the same

Dinah Craik
Dinah Craik

I think, at any day throughout his long reign, the King would sooner have lost his crown than have lost sight of the Beautiful Mountains.

Dinah Craik
Dinah Craik

Gossip, public, private, social — to fight against it either by word or pen seems, after all, like fighting with shadows.

Dinah Craik
Dinah Craik

O infinitely human, yet divine!