H. L. Mencken
H. L. Mencken

Injustice is relatively easy to bear; what stings is justice.


In the midst of the fountain of wit there arises something bitter, which stings in the very flowers.

Robert Hass
Robert Hass

In California in the early Spring, There are pale yellow mornings, when the mist burns slowly into day, The air stings like Autumn, clarifies like pain - Well, I have dreamed this coast myself.

Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo

Dory: I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy. Come on, Squishy. Come on, little Squishy.
[baby talk, the jellyfish stings her]
Dory: Ow. Bad Squishy, bad Squishy.


Juno MacGuff: Oh, and she inexplicably mails me a cactus every Valentine's Day. And I'm like, "Thanks a heap coyote ugly. This cactus-gram stings even worse than your abandonment."

Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy

Brian Fantana: [about Veronica] I'll give this little cookie an hour before we're doing the no-pants dance. Time to musk up.
[opens cologne cabinet]
Ron Burgundy: Wow. Never ceases to amaze me. What cologne you gonna go with? London Gentleman, or wait. No, no, no. Hold on. Blackbeard's Delight.
Brian Fantana: No, she gets a

special cologne... It's called Sex Panther by Odeon. It's illegal in nine countries... Yep, it's made with bits of real panther, so you know it's good.
Ron Burgundy: It's quite pungent.
Brian Fantana: Oh yeah.
Ron Burgundy: It's a formidable scent... It stings the nostrils. In a good way.
Brian Fantana:

Ron Burgundy: Brian, I'm gonna be honest with you, that smells like pure gasoline.
Brian Fantana: They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time, it works every time.
[cheesy grin]
Ron Burgundy: That doesn't make sense.
Brian Fantana: Well... Let's go see if we can make this little kitty


Rocky II
Rocky II

Employment Manager: Can I be honest? No one's going to offer you an office job. There's too much competition. Why don't you fight? I read somewhere you're a very good fighter.
Rocky Balboa: Yeah, well, was ya ever punched in the face 500 times a night? It stings after a while, ya know.

Shark Tale
Shark Tale

Bernie: Ernie, let me ask you a question?
Ernie: Yeah, man?
Bernie: Why is it that we can sting other people, but they have no effect on me or you?
[a tentacle of his brushes and stings Ernie, causing him to fall down screaming and twitching]
Bernie: Ernie! I didn't mean it, Ernie, I didn't mean it,

man... Ernie, Ernie, ohh, Ernie...
[Ernie suddenly gets up laughing]
Bernie: Ernie! You made a joke! Good one, man - respect!
Ernie: Respect! Bloatfire!
[they high-five each other]