Adam Driver
Adam Driver

I don't really have foresight as an actor as far as career trajectory - I just stick to no-brainer situations.


It was a no-brainer for me to go on 'Mind of Mencia,' I think. And actually, it was a lot of fun. It was a really good time.

Emily Wickersham
Emily Wickersham

I love a good plaid situation. A plaid blouse or shirt paired with jeans is a no-brainer outfit - it takes me back to grade school.

Eric Reid
Eric Reid

I still bleed purple and gold, so it was a no-brainer for me to go to LSU.

Hannah Teter
Hannah Teter

It was a no-brainer to get the Unified snowboarding race into X Games.

Hans-Ulrich Obrist
Hans-Ulrich Obrist

Switzerland felt incredibly narrow, growing up. It was good, in a way. There were so many museums. But it was always a no-brainer that I would have to leave, and I'm grateful for that.

Jarrod Bowen
Jarrod Bowen

In the end, it was a no-brainer to join West Ham, but I still needed to take five minutes to myself because it's a big moment for anyone to move club, especially off the pitch when it involves moving to a big city. You've got to take every single factor into consideration because it's a big decision in your life.

Kell Brook
Kell Brook

If someone said to me you can get five million quid, a world title, fight at Wembley with a fight that every fan wants to see, it's a no-brainer for me.

Kelsea Ballerini
Kelsea Ballerini

People send me songs all the time that are literally no-brainer hits... but for me, I'm an artist because I'm a writer.

Kelvin Sampson
Kelvin Sampson

Leaving Oklahoma for Illinois is not the no-brainer some think it is.