Elaine Sciolino
Elaine Sciolino

The Bush administration actually started out with an open mind towards Iran, by all indications. In fact, early in the administration, the White House tasked the various agencies of government to do an inter-agency review of Iran policy, as it did with Iraq policy and most of the big areas of the world.

Once Upon a Time in Mexico
Once Upon a Time in Mexico

Jorge FBI: Hey!
[waves cell phone at Sands and tosses it to him. Sands catches]
Agent Sands: You get your man?
Jorge FBI: One of them.
Agent Sands: Well, if that isn't inter-agency cooperation, I don't know what is.
Jorge FBI: See you around.
Agent Sands:

Fuck you.

Once Upon a Time in Mexico
Once Upon a Time in Mexico

Sands: Hey, you get your man?
Jorge FBI: One of them.
Sands: If that isn't inter-agency cooperation, I just don't know what is.