
[Having had a good read of Ellie's book she made many years ago, Carl finally starts to have a Change of Heart]
Carl Fredricksen: [Walking outside] Russell?
[Still mad at Carl, Russell takes some of the Balloons from his Roof, ties them around his waste, and takes Carl's Leaf Blower]
Carl Fredricksen: Russell, what are you doing?

Russell: I'm Gonna help Kevin, even if you won't.
[Russell starts up the Leaf Blower and disappears into the Clouds]
Carl Fredricksen: Russell, No!

Reservoir Dogs
Reservoir Dogs

Holdaway: The things you gotta remember are the details. It's the details that sell your story. Now, this particular story takes place in a men's room. So, you gotta know all the details about the men's room. You gotta know if they got paper towels or a blower to dry your hands. You gotta know if the stalls ain't got no doors or not. You gotta know if they got liquid soap or that

pink, granulated powder shit they used in high school. Remember? You gotta know if they got hot water or not, if it stinks, if some nasty, lowlife, scum-ridden motherfucker, man, sprayed diarrhea all over one of the bowls. You gotta know *every* detail there is to know about this commode. What you gotta do is take all them details, man, and make 'em your own. While you're doing that, you gotta

remember that this story is about you and how you perceived the events that went down.


Chandler: I got her machine.
Joey: Her answering machine?
Chandler: No. Interestingly enough, her leaf blower picked up.

Hot Fuzz
Hot Fuzz

Nicholas Angel: In the meantime, why don't you check out a few of Martin Blower's clients?
DS Andy Wainwright: Martin Blower represents damn near most of the village. Do you want us to go through the whole phone book?
DS Andy Cartwright: Yeah, we'll put a call in to Aaron A. Aaronson, shall we?
Nicholas Angel:

Please, don't be childish. At least consider interviewing the widow. Martin Blower was clearly having an affair with Eve Draper.
DS Andy Wainwright: Ohh, and how did you establish that?
Danny Butterman: [pounds table] 'Cause we sat through three hours of so-called acting last night, and the kiss was the only convincing moment in it.

Andy Wainwright: All right, pipe down, biggun'.
DS Andy Cartwright: Here, what else you got, Crockett and Tubby?
Nicholas Angel: Skid marks.
DS Andy Wainwright: Now who's being childish?
Nicholas Angel: There were no skid marks at the scene! Doesn't it seem a little strange that Martin Blower

would lose control of his car and not think to apply the brakes?

Hot Fuzz
Hot Fuzz

[Skinner is explaining why the NWA had Martin Blower murdered]
Simon Skinner: You see, much as I enjoyed your wild theories Sergeant, the truth is far less complex. Blower's fate was simply the result of his being... an appalling actor.
NWA Members: [echoing in agreement] Appalling.
Nicholas Angel: You murdered him for that?

Simon Skinner: He murdered Bill Shakespeare.
Nicholas Angel: What? Oh.
Annette Roper: Martin Blower was less concerned with the reputation of the village than he was with his sordid affair with Eve Draper!
Nicholas Angel: So Eve deserved to die too?
Dr. Robin Hatcher: Well, she did have

a very annoying laugh.
NWA Members: [echoing in agreement] Annoying.
Nicholas Angel: George Merchant?
Simon Skinner: He had in awful house.
NWA Members: [echoing in agreement] Awful.

Hot Fuzz
Hot Fuzz

Leslie Tiller: [as Nicholas Angel is buying a Peace Lily in Leslie Tiller's flower shop] You know that fella who blew up?
Nicholas Angel: George Merchant?
Leslie Tiller: [speaking rapidly] Well, George Merchant - God rest him - wanted to buy this land. So he sent round his legal fella Martin Blower - God rest him. I thought I might

take them up on it. I haven't really got that much family round here, save my cousin Sissy. So I thought I might take them up on the offer and move to Buford Abbey. Would you like a card with this?
Nicholas Angel: [In shock at what he's hearing] Wha... no... sorry, you were talking about the offer.
Leslie Tiller: [continuing rapidly] Well, it turns

out that Martin Blower - God rest him - knew where the new Bypass Road is going 'cause he was knocking off Eve Draper from the council - God rest her. And then that reporter - God rest him - finds out about the route and tells me this land is very valuable. Ten times what George Merchant and Martin Blower - God rest them - offered me. So with them having passed on, I decided to sell it all myself

to some folks from the city that Martin, George, and Eve - God rest the lot of them - have been talking to. Apparently, they want to build a big shopping center or something. Of course, Cousin Sissy won't be too happy about that but, as far as I'm concerned, Cousin Sissy can go and fu...
Nicholas Angel: [cutting her off] Would you just excuse me for just one second?

[He rushes out to his squad car]