Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

[In Gungan City, Qui-Gon decides to use Jar-Jar as a navigator for their voyage to the planet's core]
Qui-Gon Jinn: [to Boss Nass] What is to become of Jar-Jar Binks here?
Boss Nass: [importantly] He-sa sentenced to be... *pew-nished*.
[Boss Nass smiles darkly at Jar Jar. Jar Jar bows his head piteously. Obi-Wan looks at Jar Jar, his face full

of pity]
Qui-Gon Jinn: I saved his life. He owes me what you might call a life debt. Your Gods demand that his life should be placed in my hands now.
Boss Nass: [drawing out the "s"] Binks? Yousa had your life played with this-a hue-sun?
Jar-Jar Binks: [cute-faced, meekly] Uh huh.
Boss Nass: [shaking

his head vigoriously, then to Qui-Gon] Bwa-gur-a-glur-a-glur! Begone wi' him!