Daisy Shah
Daisy Shah

Yes, I have a small coffee corner where I like to sit. It's right next to the windows and the power seat of the living area. When I sit there, I can see Bandra Reclamation in front of me.

Matt Gonzalez
Matt Gonzalez

Some types of environmental restoration projects are well-known; restored wetlands, for instance, or coal mine reclamation projects. Recently though, larger dam removal projects have started, a number of them in Washington state.

Nigel Farage
Nigel Farage

Though I've never been a supporter of big government, the reclamation of our fisheries, which, done correctly, would be worth several billion pounds a year, should be a cabinet position with its own department.

Oneohtrix Point Never
Oneohtrix Point Never

There's an arrogance of assuming that we can interpret the past - that we've left the right footnotes, that we're doing the right reclamation projects, that we're not overcorrecting. Actually, we have no idea where we're going. It's this Tower of Babel type scenario.

Peggy Whitson
Peggy Whitson

One of the things I think is really cool that we're testing on board the International Space Station is the water reclamation system.

Phil Jackson
Phil Jackson

My mother's families were Mennonites or Anabaptists that came to Minnesota from Russia. They were actually moving around Europe doing diking and lowland reclamation work, and they moved into Minnesota.