
Lon: [singing] We shot ourselves an injun, or maybe two or three.
Ben: [kicks him] Alright, you howling nutter! Get to work!
Lon: Come on, Ben, it's just a little fun.
Ben: [sarcastically] Oh, sure, we're having loads of fun. Right, look at us. No gold, no food, while Ratcliffe sits up in his tent all day

happy as a clam.
Governor Ratcliffe: [in his tent] I'm doomed! I should be wallowing in riches right now, and I haven't found as much as a speck!


Ben: Ratcliffe wouldn't take us halfway across the world for nothing.
Lon: But what if Smith is right? What if there is no gold?
Leeroy the Settler: If you ask me Ratcliffe's been lieing to us since we left London.
Ben: Listen to you you bunch of idiots! Those savages didn't attack us for nothing! They're hiding something!

Leeroy the Settler: If they do have the gold I reckon we'll have to fight them.