Rafe Spall
Rafe Spall

I'll probably always be 'Timothy Spall's son' and it's something I'm proud of. Maybe one day as well as that, they'll say of Timothy Spall that 'He's Rafe Spall's dad'.

Timothy Spall
Timothy Spall

My wife... now travels with me everywhere - not because she nearly lost me, but because my kids are all grown up and my son is now a very successful actor, Rafe Spall.

Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor

Evelyn: Rafe I'm pregnant... I didn't even know until the day you turned up alive... and then all this happened... I haven't told Danny... I don't want him to know. All he needs to think about is how to do this mission and get back alive. Oh Rafe, all I ever wanted was for us to have a home and grow old together, but life never asked me what I wanted. Now I'm going to give Danny

my whole heart... but I don't think I'll ever look at another sunset without thinking of you... I'll love you my whole life.

Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor

Danny: To Rafe McCawely the best pilot and the best friend I ever knew... Or ever will know. TO RAFE .