Aaron McGruder
Aaron McGruder

There's some new evidence that has just come out about the CIA planning terrorist attacks on U.S. soil in the '60s and how they were going to set up Castro for it in order to get America behind a war in Cuba.

Aaron Patzer
Aaron Patzer

The original idea before Mint was a life and goal planning system I called Carpe Viva. The idea was that all of life's goals, from buying a house, getting an MBA, or learning Spanish could be quantified in both time and money.

Abby Johnson
Abby Johnson

Natural Family Planning works and is as effective, and sometimes more effective, than the birth control methods out there.

Abdullah II of Jordan
Abdullah II of Jordan

I hope that none of the countries in the Middle East are planning anything but the peaceful utilization of nuclear energy.

Abhijit Banerjee
Abhijit Banerjee

The first time I went to the Planning Commission was when it was under KC Pant, a long time ago. Since then I have been back there many, many times to the point where the many people who seem to spend their lives sitting outside the various offices and even the patches of grime in the hallways and stairwells began to look familiar.

Aditya Roy Kapur
Aditya Roy Kapur

I believe one is not going to get anywhere by sitting and planning too much. The point is to keep doing, and what will happen will happen.

Adrienne C. Moore
Adrienne C. Moore

We spend so many hours a day - even if we're not physically in the office - working, thinking about work, and planning and setting up and organizing with work, even with our families.

Aja Brown
Aja Brown

Gentrification is a problem of poor planning.

Aja Brown
Aja Brown

From a planning perspective, I thought Compton was phenomenal. It has a huge potential to be a great city, and I always bet on the underdog.

Alan Lakein
Alan Lakein

Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.