Annaleigh Ashford
Annaleigh Ashford

One of the great things that playwright A.R. Gurney does in 'Sylvia' is he gives language to the emotional gestures and energy that our dogs give to us when they're communicating.

Ford v Ferrari
Ford v Ferrari

[while racing at Willow Springs, Gurney notices Miles' broken windshield]
Dan Gurney: Hey, Ken. What happened to your shield?
Ken Miles: New design.


[Dr. Kelso greets a couple of orderlies who arrive with an occupied body bag on a gurney from a traffic accident]
Dr. Kelso: Do you people have any idea how long I've been waiting on you? Next time, if you're not here in thirty minutes or less, I expect a free dead body... or at least some garlic knots.
Chris Turk: Dr. Kelso, I think that's extremely

Dr. Kelso: I don't think so.
[to the dead body]
Dr. Kelso: Miss Parker, you care to weigh in?
[He bends down to listen at the head of the gurney]
Dr. Kelso: Nope, she's fine with it. And she knows a thing or two... except of course that a yellow light means to slow down.
[He chuckles morbidly]


Paul: You have no need for your weapons with me, Gurney Halleck.


Paul: I know, Thufir, I'm sitting with my back to the door. I heard you, Dr. Yueh and Gurney coming down the hall.
Thufir Hawat: Those sounds could be imitated!
Paul: [Looks around and sees he was right] I'd know the difference.
Thufir Hawat: [voice over] Yes, perhaps he would at that.

Hail, Caesar!
Hail, Caesar!

Young Women at Bar: [in a scene being filmed at Capitol Pictures, a bar full of sailors is closing for the night, and the young women are going home] So long, fellas. See ya in eight months.
Bartender: Eight months?
Sailor: Yeah, we're shippin' out in the morning.
Sailor: Golly, eight months without a dame.

Gurney (as Sailor in Bar Scene): Can you beat it?
Bartender: You're gonna have to beat it!