A. E. Hotchner
A. E. Hotchner

When I first wrote 'Papa Hemingway,' there were too many people still alive, and the lawyers for Random House didn't want to OK it. But now all that's been filtered away by the passage of all these people. And having the fortune of surviving, I now feel that I am the custodian of what Ernest wanted the world to know about him and these women.

A. N. Wilson
A. N. Wilson

Reading about Queen Victoria has been a passion of mine since, as a child, I came across Laurence Housman's play 'Happy and Glorious,' with its Ernest Shepard illustrations.

Adam Mansbach
Adam Mansbach

The publishing industry stopped having new ideas out of respect for the untimely death of Ernest Hemingway in 1961 and has been doing everything the same way ever since.

Arthur Phillips
Arthur Phillips

It would be hard to exaggerate Ernest Hemingway's influence over American literature, but his influence on our lives is probably larger still.

Corey Stoll
Corey Stoll

I think, sometimes, actors having a holistic view of what they're in can be overrated. Especially when you're playing somebody as narcissistic and self-involved as Ernest Hemingway, it doesn't really matter what else is in the script.

Dean Karnazes
Dean Karnazes

Adventure books are my personal favorites. 'The Endurance,' a story about Ernest Shackleton's legendary Antarctica expedition, or 'Into Thin Air,' Jon Krakauer's personal account of the 1996 disaster on Mt Everest, are two notables.

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

I'm the Ernest Hemingway of 140 characters.

Dree Hemingway
Dree Hemingway

I remember having to read 'The Old Man and the Sea,' and I didn't want to read it; I didn't want to like Ernest Hemingway. I was being a stubborn teenager.

Elizabeth Olsen
Elizabeth Olsen

'The Sun Also Rises' by Ernest Hemingway is my favorite book. You feel manly reading it.

Harry Belafonte
Harry Belafonte

John Steinbeck is one of the most under-discussed and under-written-about of all American writers. He is way up there and should stand on a par, or even above, Ernest Hemingway and William Faulkner.