As Good as It Gets
As Good as It Gets

Melvin Udall: I need you to chaperone, separate everything but cars. You said you liked convertibles! Now, I'm on the hook.
Carol Connelly: I'm sorry, "the stiff one eye"?
Melvin Udall: Two days!
Carol Connelly: I can't, I work.
Melvin Udall: You get off when you want to.

Carol Connelly: My son.
Melvin Udall: Bettes says he's doing fine.
Carol Connelly: ...Melvin, I'd rather not.
Melvin Udall: What has that got to do with it?
Carol Connelly: Funny, I thought it was a strong point.
Melvin Udall: Write a note, isn't she sweet? I

need a hand and where'd she go?
Carol Connelly: Are you saying accepting your help obligates me?
Melvin Udall: Is there any other way to see it?
Carol Connelly: ...No.

As Good as It Gets
As Good as It Gets

Carol Connelly: [writing a thank-you note to Melvin, with the aid of a dictionary] This can't be right! "Con-science"?
[breaks down crying]
Beverly Connelly: Carol, what?
Carol Connelly: I don't know... It's very strange not feeling that stupid panic thing inside you all the time. Without that you just start thinking about

yourself, and what does that ever get anybody? Today, on the bus there was this adorable couple and I felt myself giving them a dirty look. I had no idea everything was...
Beverly Connelly: Go ahead.
Carol Connelly: ...Moving in the wrong direction. Away from when I even remembered what it was like to have a man to... anything... hold fucking - sorry

- hands with, for Christ's sake. I was feeling, like, really bad that Dr. Bettes is married. Which is probably why I make poor Spencer hug me more than he wants to. Like the poor kid doesn't have enough problems, he has to make up for his mom not getting any. Oh, boy. Who needs these thoughts?