Pulp Fiction
Pulp Fiction

Jody: Lance! The goddamn phone's ringing! Lance: [getting up to answer the phone] I can hear it. Jody: I thought you told those fucking assholes never to call here this late! Lance: Yeah, I told them. And that is exactly what I'm going to tell this fucking asshole, right now.

The Wolf of Wall Street
The Wolf of Wall Street

Jordan Belfort: People say shit... I mean like, you married your cousin or some stupid shit.
Donnie Azoff: Yeah, my wife is my cousin or whatever, but it's not like what you think.
Jordan Belfort: Is she like, a first cousin?
Donnie Azoff: Her father is the brother of my mom. Like, we grew up together, and she

grew up hot, you know, she fucking grew up hot. And all my friends are trying to fuck her, you know, and I'm not gonna let one of these assholes fuck my cousin. So I used the cousin thing, as like, an in with her. I'm not like, gonna let someone else fuck my cousin, you know? If anyone's gonna fuck my cousin, it's gonna be me. Out of respect.

The Wolf of Wall Street
The Wolf of Wall Street

Jordan Belfort: I heard some stupid shit. I... I didn't even want to bring it up. It's just... stupid.
Donnie Azoff: Shit with me?
Jordan Belfort: You know, just... people say shit. I don't even know. I don't even listen to it half the time.
Donnie Azoff: What do they say?

Belfort: Shit about you and your cousin or something like that. I don't even listen to it. It doesn't even...
Donnie Azoff: No... it's not like that. It's not like that.
Jordan Belfort: You know what I mean? Like you married your cousin or some stupid shit, you know?
Donnie Azoff: Yeah, my wife... yeah, my wife is my

cousin or whatever. But it's not like what you think or whatever, you know...
Jordan Belfort: Is she like a... first cousin, or is she...
Donnie Azoff: Yeah, no. She... you know, her... her father is the... is the brother of my mom.
Jordan Belfort: Mhm.
Donnie Azoff: It's not like... Look. We grew up

together, and she grew up hot, you know. She fuckin' grew up hot and all of my friends were trying to fuck her, you know, and I wasn't... I'm not gonna let someone, you know, one of these assholes fuck my cousin. So I, you know, used the cousin thing as like... like an in with her. I'm not gonna let someone else fuck my cousin, you know? If anyone is gonna fuck my cousin it's gonna be me, out

of... out of respect, you know?
Jordan Belfort: No, I get it, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, you're not afraid of like the whole kid thing, right? Like the whole...
Donnie Azoff: What, if the kid's retarded?
Jordan Belfort: Yeah.
Donnie Azoff: No, we have two kids.
Jordan Belfort: And

they're... I mean, I don't want to get personal or anything, but are they okay?
Donnie Azoff: No, they're not retarded or anything like that...
Jordan Belfort: But there's a big chance, right? The whole...
Donnie Azoff: Yeah, there's like a 60 percent, you know... 60, 65 percent chance the kid's gonna be fuckin' retarded or

Jordan Belfort: That'd scare the shit out of me, buddy.
Donnie Azoff: Look, man... a lot of having a kid or whatever takes risk, whether you're fuckin' cousins or not, you know...
Jordan Belfort: What if... what if you... I mean, what if something like that happened?
Donnie Azoff: Well,

basically, you know, if the kid was retarded I would... I would, you know, drive it up to the country and just like, you know, open the door and let it... say "You're free now!" You know? Like, "Run free!" You know?

American Beauty
American Beauty

Brad Dupree: [reading Lester's job description] "My job consists of basically masking my contempt for the assholes in charge, and, at least once a day, retiring to the men's room so I can jerk off while I fantasize about a life that doesn't so closely resemble Hell." Well, you have absolutely no interest in saving yourself.
Lester Burnham: Brad, for 14

years I've been a whore for the advertising industry. The only way I could save myself now is if I start firebombing.

Back to the Future
Back to the Future

Marty McFly: [whilst with his girlfriend] What happens to us in the future? Do we become assholes or something?

Reservoir Dogs
Reservoir Dogs

Mr. Pink: We were set up. The cops were waiting for us.
Nice Guy Eddie: What? Nobody set anybody up.
Mr. Pink: The cops were there waiting for us!
Nice Guy Eddie: Bull shit!
Mr. Pink: Hey, fuck you, man! You weren't there... we were! And I'm tellin' ya, the cops had that store staked

Nice Guy Eddie: Okay, Mr. Fucking Detective! You're so fucking smart. Who did it? Who set us up?
Mr. Pink: What the fuck do ya think we've been askin' each other?
Nice Guy Eddie: And what are your answers? Was it me? You think I set you up?
Mr. Pink: I don't know, but somebody did!

Nice Guy Eddie: Nobody did! You assholes turn the jewelry store into a wild west show, and you wonder why the cops show up?

Reservoir Dogs
Reservoir Dogs

Mr. Pink: [Mr. Blonde and Mr. White begin to quarrel; Mr. Pink pushes them away from each other] Hey, you two assholes knock it the fuck off and calm down! Cut the bullshit. We ain't on a fuckin' playground! I don't beleive this shit. Both of you guys got ten years on me and I'm the only one acting like a professional. You guys act like a bunch of fuckin' niggers. You wanna be

niggers, huh? They're just like you two - always fightin' and always sayin' their gonna kill each other...
Mr. White: You said yourself you thought about takin' him out!
Mr. Blonde: You fuckin' said that?
Mr. Pink: Yeah, I did. But that time has passed. Right now, Mr. Blonde is the only one I completely trust. He's too fuckin'

homicidal to be workin' with the cops.
Mr. White: You takin' his side?
Mr. Pink: No, man. Fuck sides! What we need here is a little solidarity! Somebody's shoving a red hot poker up our asses and I wanna find out whose name is on the handle. Now, I know I'm no piece of shit.
[referring to Mr. White]
Mr. Pink: And I'm

pretty sure you're a good boy.
[referring to Mr. Blonde]
Mr. Pink: And I'm fucking positive you're on the level. So let's figure out who the bad guy is.

Reservoir Dogs
Reservoir Dogs

Mr. White: What you're supposed to do is act like a fuckin' professional. A psychopath ain't a professional. You can't work with a psychopath. You don't know what those sick assholes are gonna do next.

Reservoir Dogs
Reservoir Dogs

Mr. White: You fuckin' assholes turned the jewelry store...
Nice Guy Eddie: Don't you call me an asshole!
Mr. White: You fuckin' idiot!

Reservoir Dogs
Reservoir Dogs

Mr. Pink: Man, could you believe Mr. Blonde?
Mr. White: That was the most insane, fucking thing I've ever seen. Why the fuck would Joe hire a guy like that?
Mr. Pink: Now, I don't want to kill anybody. I get out that door and your standing in my way... one way or another you're getting out of my way.

White: That's the way I look at it. The choice between doing ten years and taking out some stupid motherfucker ain't no choice at all. But I ain't no madman either. What the fuck was Joe thinking? I can't work with a guy like that. We're awful damn lucky he didn't tag us too when he shot the place up. I came this close to taking out his ass myself!
Mr. Pink: I mean

everyone panics. Everybody. Things get tense and you panic. It's human nature. You can't help it. Fuck man, you panic on the inside or in your head. When you give yourself a couple of seconds you get a hold of the situation you deal with it, but what you don't do is start shooting up the place and killing people.
Mr. White: What you're supposed to do in a situation when an

alarm goes off is you act like a professional. A psychopath ain't a professional. I can't work with a psychopath. You never know what those sick assholes are gonna do next. I mean... . Jesus Christ, how old do you think that black girl was? Nineteen? Twenty? Maybe twenty-one?
Mr. Pink: If that.