Aaron Koblin
Aaron Koblin

I've found that when everyone rallies behind a cause, and when they learn their effort can contribute something bigger, they get engaged.

Abby Johnson
Abby Johnson

Why do Planned Parenthood and their allies only 'trust women' and only want to hear women's stories when they agree with Planned Parenthood? Why do they work to silence any women who disagree with them? Don't our stories matter?

Adam Curtis
Adam Curtis

A conveyor belt of Think Tank pundits and allied operatives poured into the TV studios, and together they built a fortress around Mrs. Thatcher's memory that was rooted in theories about economics. They did this because economics is the only language that wonks understand.

Adrienne Mayor
Adrienne Mayor

In the non-Greek stories, Persia, Egypt, even China, Central Asia, in oral traditions and written literature, anyone who fights Amazons admires their courage and beauty, and they want to be allies of the Amazon; they don't wanna kill them.

Adrienne Mayor
Adrienne Mayor

The Romans had chosen Pergamon to be the capital of their new province. But by 88 B.C., most of western Asia was allied with King Mithradates, who had taken over the royal palace in Pergamon for his own headquarters.

Ahmet Davutoglu
Ahmet Davutoglu

Turkey has worked alongside its allies from the beginning.

Al D'Amato
Al D'Amato

Those allies who failed to join us will regret it. They're making a mistake.

Al Franken
Al Franken

I believe in not attacking a country pre-emptively unless you're sure of what you're doing and you're working with allies.

Al Sharpton
Al Sharpton

The United States has got to adopt a policy of befriending and creating allies around the world.

Alex Hirschi
Alex Hirschi

When I go to rallies and I see other people driving, I feel I would much rather be behind the wheel myself. That is where I get the most excitement.