
Keller Dover: Don't talk to them.
Ralph Dover: [Looks up at Keller, confused and distraught] Eliza told me they're dead... Is it true?
Keller Dover: No.
Ralph Dover: Well, she said... they found... their bloody clothes...
Keller Dover: Don't you tell your mother that. Don't you *dare*

tell your mother that. Do you understand me? Now, I need you to listen to me...
[whispering harshly]
Keller Dover: I need you to stay and run the house for a couple of days; and you make sure she does not watch the news and when the paper comes, you just throw it the fuck away! Listen to me... We do *not* give up on your sister. We do *not*!
[pauses, while

Keller Dover: I'm gonna find her... I'm gonna bring her home. We do not give up.
Ralph Dover: You're gonna bring her *home*? She's *dead*, *you* can't do anything, you've been leaving me and mom here while you've been going out and getting *fucking drunk*! You think I can't smell it on you?
Keller Dover: [Keller

grabs Ralph's shoulders, whips him around, and pins him against the wall in a fury] *SHUT UP*!

Star Trek Into Darkness
Star Trek Into Darkness

James T. Kirk: Let me explain what's happening here: you are a criminal! I watched you murder innocent men and women! I was authorized to *end* you! And the only reason why you are still alive is because I am allowing it. So *shut your mouth*!
Khan: Captain, are you going to punch me again, over and over, until your arm weakens... clearly you want to. So

tell me, why did you allow me to live?
James T. Kirk: We all make mistakes.
Khan: I surrendered to you because, despite your attempt to convince me otherwise, you seem to have a conscience, Mr. Kirk. If you did not, then it would be impossible for me to convince you of the truth. 23174611. Coordinates not far from Earth. If you want to know why I did

what I did, go and take a look.
James T. Kirk: Give me one reason why I should listen to you.
Khan: I can give you 72. And they're on board your ship, Captain. They have been, all along.

National Treasure
National Treasure

Abigail Chase: [Ben Gates is trying to figure out how to get the Silence Dogood letters without letting his dad know he stole the Declaration of Independence] You have the original Silence Dogood letters? Steal those too?
Ben Gates: They're scans of the orginals, quiet please.
Abigail Chase: How did you get scans?

Gates: I know the person who has the originals, now shush.
Abigail Chase: Why do you need them?
Ben Gates: She really can't shut her mouth, can she?
[Offering her the Declaration]
Ben Gates: Look, I will let you hold this if you promise to *shut up*, please!

A Bug's Life
A Bug's Life

Tuck: You fired!
Roll: You fired!
Tuck: You fireeeeeed!
Rosie: [in disgust] Oh, will you *shut up*?
Tuck: Hey!
Roll: You fired!

The Holiday
The Holiday

[after Amanda slams the door in his face]
Ethan: You didn't really wanna be a couple! You resist it in your own way.
Amanda: [growling through her teeth; as she runs upstairs] *Shut UP!*
Ethan: And it's hard to detect how you even do it, because nobody's quite as smart as you! So you're hard to catch at it. But it always

surfaces and this is what happens.
Amanda: [on the balcony; looking down at him] What happened?
Ethan: Things end. Just like you knew they would!

Dirty Grandpa
Dirty Grandpa

Dick Kelly: You're like some sort of cock blocking terminator sent back from the future to cock block humans.
Jason Kelly: [Sarcastic hand gestures] Ah, got ya.
Dick Kelly: The robots should've sent you instead of Arnold Schwarzenegger, you could've cock blocked John Conners' parents and he never would've been born.

Jason Kelly: *Shut up Grandpa. Shut up*