
Isabella Swan: Look, You gotta give me some answers.
Edward Cullen: Yes. No. To get to the other side. Uh, 1.77245...
Isabella Swan: I don't want to know what the square root of pi is.
Edward Cullen: You knew that?


Edward Cullen: And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.
Isabella Swan: What a stupid lamb.
Edward Cullen: What a sick, masochistic lion.


Isabella Swan: Did you follow me?
Edward Cullen: I... I feel very protective of you.
Isabella Swan: So you followed me.
Edward Cullen: I was trying to keep a distance unless you needed my help and then I heard what those low-lives were thinking.
Isabella Swan: Wait. You say you heard

what they were thinking?
Isabella Swan: So what you... you read minds?
Edward Cullen: I can read every mind in this room apart from yours. There's... Money. Sex. Money. Sex. Cat... And then you, nothing. That's very frustrating.
Isabella Swan: Is there something wrong with me?
Edward Cullen: See... I

tell you I can read minds and you think there's something wrong with you?


Isabella Swan: I'd never given much though to how I would die. But dying in place of someone I love, seems like a good way to go. I can't bring myself to regret the decisions that brought me face to face with death. They also brought me to Edward.


Isabella Swan: [Edward jumps down off the roof of Bella's truck] Could you act human? Okay, I have neighbors.
Edward Cullen: I'm gonna take you to my place tomorrow.
[Pulls dent in Bella's truck back into correct place]
Isabella Swan: Thanks... Er, wait, like with your family?
Edward Cullen: Yeah.

Isabella Swan: W-what if they don't like me?
Edward Cullen: So you're worried, not because you'll be in a house full of vampires, but because you think they won't approve of you?
Isabella Swan: [unsmiling] I'm glad I amuse you.


Isabella Swan: [to Edward, her back to him] You're impossibly fast. And strong. Your skin is... pale white, and ice cold. Your eyes change color... and sometimes you speak like - like you're from a different time. You never eat or drink anything; you don't go into the sunlight.
[pause, silence]
Isabella Swan: How old are you?

Cullen: Seventeen.
Isabella Swan: How long have you been seventeen?
Edward Cullen: ...a while.
Isabella Swan: I know what you are.
Edward Cullen: Say it... out loud. Say it.
Isabella Swan: Vampire.
Edward Cullen: Are you afraid?

Isabella Swan: [turns to face him] ... no.
Edward Cullen: Then ask me the most basic question: What do we eat?


Edward Cullen: I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore.
Isabella Swan: Then don't.


Rosalie Hale: Is she even Italian?
Emmett Cullen: Her name's Bella.
Dr. Carlisle Cullen: I'm sure she'll love it no matter what.
Rosalie Hale: [sniffs] Ooh... get a whiff of that. Here comes the human.
[Esme flashes a big grin just before Bella and Edward walk around the corner]

Cullen: [runs up to Bella] Bella! We're making Italiano for you.
Edward Cullen: Bella, this is Esme, my mother for all intents and purposes.
Isabella Swan: Buon Giorno?
Esme Cullen: Molto Bene!
Dr. Carlisle Cullen: It gives us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time.

Cullen: I hope you're hungry.
Isabella Swan: Yeah, absolutely!
Edward Cullen: She already ate.
Rosalie Hale: [crushes the salad bowl she's holding] Perfect!
Isabella Swan: Yeah - it's just that I know... I know you guys don't eat.
Esme Cullen: Of course. That's very

considerate of you.
Edward Cullen: Just ignore Rosalie. I do.
Rosalie Hale: Yeah! Let's just keep pretending like this isn't dangerous for all of us.
Isabella Swan: I would never tell anybody anything.
Dr. Carlisle Cullen: She knows that.
Emmett Cullen: Yeah, well the problem

is... you two have gone public now so...
Esme Cullen: Emmett!
Rosalie Hale: No, she should know. The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly.
Isabella Swan: Badly as in... I become the meal.
[Carlisle and Edward struggle to suppress laughs]


Edward Cullen: Uh, yeah this is my room.
Isabella Swan: ...No bed?
Edward Cullen: Ah no i don't, i don't sleep.
Isabella Swan: Ever?
Edward Cullen: No, not at all.
Isabella Swan: Ok, hmmm, boy you have so much music, what were you listening to.

Edward Cullen: It's Debussy.
Isabella Swan: Clair de Lune is great.
Edward Cullen: [Edward spins Isabella around and she gives him a look] What?
Isabella Swan: I can't dance.
Edward Cullen: [laughs]
Isabella Swan: ...
Edward Cullen: Hmm...

Well, I could always make you.
Isabella Swan: I'm not scared of you.
Edward Cullen: [laughs] Well you really shouldn't have said that.
Edward Cullen: [he jumps out his bedroom window and lands on a tree] You better hold on tight spidermonkey!
Edward Cullen: [he climbs up tree]

Cullen: Do you trust me?
Isabella Swan: In theory.
Edward Cullen: Then close your eyes.
Edward Cullen: [Jumps to next tree and climbs to top]
Edward Cullen: [Bella gasps] What?
Isabella Swan: This isn't real. This kind of stuff just doesn't exist.

Cullen: It does in my world.


Edward Cullen: I should go back there and rip those guys' heads off.
Isabella Swan: Um... No, you shouldn't.
Edward Cullen: You don't know the vile, repulsive things they were thinking.
Isabella Swan: And you do?
Edward Cullen: It's not hard to guess.

Cullen: Can you talk about something else? Distract me so i won't turn around.
Isabella Swan: You should put your seat belt on.
Edward Cullen: Haha... you should put your seat belt on!


Edward Cullen: What did you expect? Coffins and dungeons and moats?
Isabella Swan: No, not the moats.
Edward Cullen: Not the moats.


Isabella Swan: About three things I was absolutely positive: First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him-and I didn't know how dominant that part might be-that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.


Isabella Swan: Are you going to tell me how you stopped the van?
Edward Cullen: Yeah. Um... I had an adrenaline rush. It's very common. You can Google it.


Edward Cullen: That's what you dream about? Being a monster?
Isabella Swan: I dream about being with you forever.


Isabella Swan: How did you get in here?
Edward Cullen: The window.
Isabella Swan: Do you do that a lot?
Edward Cullen: Just the past couple of months.


Edward Cullen: [to Bella before going into the prom after Jacob leaves] I leave you alone for two minutes and the wolves descend.


Isabella Swan: [to Edward] How did you get over to me so fast?
Edward Cullen: [to Bella] I was standing right next to you, Bella.
Isabella Swan: No. You were next to your car, across the lot.
Edward Cullen: No, I wasn't.
Isabella Swan: Yes, you were.

Cullen: Bella, you hit your head. I think you're confused.
Isabella Swan: I know what I saw.
Edward Cullen: And what exactly was that?
Isabella Swan: You stopped the van. You pushed it away with you hand.
Edward Cullen: Well, nobody's going to believe you.
Isabella Swan:

I wasn't going to tell anybody. I just need to know the truth.
Edward Cullen: Can't you just thank me and get over it?
Isabella Swan: Thank you.
Edward Cullen: You're not going to let this go, are you?
Isabella Swan: No.
Edward Cullen: Well then I hope you enjoy disappointment.


Edward Cullen: You don't know how long I've waited for you.


Isabella Swan: Who are they?
Angela Weber: The Cullens.
Jessica Stanley: They're, um, Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska, like, a few years ago.
Angela Weber: They kinda keep to themselves.
Jessica Stanley: Yeah 'cause they're all together, like TOGETHER

together. Uh, the blonde girl, that's Rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett, they're like a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal.
Angela Weber: Jess, they're not actually related.
Jessica Stanley: Yeah, but they live together. It's weird-and, okay, the little dark-haired girl is Alice. She's REALLY weird, and, um, she's with Jasper, the

blonde one who looks like he's in pain.


Edward Cullen: My family, we're different from others of our kind. We only drink animal blood, but it's your scent. It's like a drug to me. It's like you're my own personal brand of heroin.
Isabella Swan: Why did you hate me so much when we met?
Edward Cullen: I did, only because of wanting you so badly. I still don't know if I can

control myself.
Isabella Swan: I know you can.