Robert Blaha
Robert Blaha

Unfortunately, most of Congress has little to offer except making noise and knowing how to move up the bloated political chain.

Robert Blaha
Robert Blaha

You won't ever hear me talk about whether my wife's prettier than your wife.

Robert Blaha
Robert Blaha

Why on earth do we keep sending bozos like Michael Bennet back to Washington when they fail to get anything done?

Robert Blaha
Robert Blaha

One of the tenets that makes America so great is that we value the opportunity to have a battle of ideas and to elect the best possible representation of those ideas.

Robert Blaha
Robert Blaha

We've lost tens and hundreds of thousands of jobs because of the way NAFTA was negotiated.

Robert Blaha
Robert Blaha

Send me to Washington, and if I can't make a difference, I'll voluntarily come back after just one term. Cut the deficit, slash illegal immigration in half, fix our horrific tax system - or I'll come home and help find somebody that can. That's my product guarantee.

Robert Blaha
Robert Blaha

We must end illegal immigration, period.

Robert Blaha
Robert Blaha

I don't care about getting re-elected; I care about saving the country.

Robert Blaha
Robert Blaha

It's not about just a vote, it's about being a voice. There's a difference between being a person who just pushes the button and someone who is actually going to be a voice for the conservative movement.

Robert Blaha
Robert Blaha

We can't continue to put people lacking the ability to understand a business in a position to run a business.

Robert Blaha
Robert Blaha

When I make a decision to run, I will make an investment, just like any business I've made investments in before.

Robert Blaha
Robert Blaha

I don't think you'll find one person that says I shoot from the hip. What they say is, 'This guy talks eyeball to eyeball. This guy talks shoulder to shoulder. If you ask this guy a question, you'll get an answer.'

Robert Blaha
Robert Blaha

We must secure the border, and we must not allow people to come into this country when we do not know who they are.

Robert Blaha
Robert Blaha

Senator Michael Bennet and members of the permanent political class have empowered President Obama's policies and their own agendas rather than the needs of constituents.

Robert Blaha
Robert Blaha

It's an honor to be able to get in the fray and be a strong, mature voice for Coloradans, a voice uncensored and uncontrolled by the permanent political class in Washington.

Robert Blaha
Robert Blaha

When you run for the U.S. Senate, it's a full game on. This is not for the faint of heart.

Robert Blaha
Robert Blaha

I like the idea of the states to go out and the states to take fifty laboratories of the best thoughts and create best ideas possible.

Robert Blaha
Robert Blaha

You have to stand on your own two feet.