Octavia E. Butler
Octavia E. Butler

Every story I create, creates me. I write to create myself.

Octavia E. Butler
Octavia E. Butler

Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over.

Octavia E. Butler
Octavia E. Butler

You don't start out writing good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it's good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it. That's why I say one of the most valuable traits is persistence.

Octavia E. Butler
Octavia E. Butler

Not everyone has been a bully or the victim of bullies, but everyone has seen bullying, and seeing it, has responded to it by joining in or objecting, by laughing or keeping silent, by feeling disgusted or feeling interested.

Octavia E. Butler
Octavia E. Butler

Tolerance, like any aspect of peace, is forever a work in progress, never completed, and, if we're as intelligent as we like to think we are, never abandoned.

Octavia E. Butler
Octavia E. Butler

The big talent is persistence.

Octavia E. Butler
Octavia E. Butler

If vampires were a separate species, and they were into genetic engineering, what would they engineer for?

Octavia E. Butler
Octavia E. Butler

Most of us, if we're not careful, tend to dehumanize the enemy.

Octavia E. Butler
Octavia E. Butler

Beware, all too often we say what we hear others say. We think what we are told that we think. We see what we are permitted to see. Worse, we see what we are told that we see.

Octavia E. Butler
Octavia E. Butler

I'm comfortably asocial - a hermit in the middle of a large city, a pessimist if I'm not careful, a feminist, a black, a former Baptist, an oil-and-water combination of ambition, laziness, insecurity, certainty and drive.

Octavia E. Butler
Octavia E. Butler

Simple peck-order bullying is only the beginning of the kind of hierarchical behavior that can lead to racism, sexism, ethnocentrism, classism, and all the other 'isms' that cause so much suffering in the world.

Octavia E. Butler
Octavia E. Butler

Science fiction frees you to go anyplace and examine anything.

Octavia E. Butler
Octavia E. Butler

The norm is white, apparently, in the view of people who see things in that way. For them, the only reason you would introduce a black character is to introduce this kind of abnormality. Usually, it's because you're telling a story about racism or at least about race.

Octavia E. Butler
Octavia E. Butler

People who think about time travel stories sometimes think that going back in time would be fun because you would have all the information you needed to be much more astute than the people there, when the truth is of course you wouldn't.

Octavia E. Butler
Octavia E. Butler

Religion is everywhere. There are no human societies without it, whether they acknowledge it as a religion or not.

Octavia E. Butler
Octavia E. Butler

A workshop is a way of renting an audience, and making sure you're communicating what you think you're communicating. It's so easy as a young writer to think you're been very clear when in fact you haven't.

Octavia E. Butler
Octavia E. Butler

I recognize we will pay more attention when we have different leadership.

Octavia E. Butler
Octavia E. Butler

We are a naturally hierarchical species.

Octavia E. Butler
Octavia E. Butler

Delusional pain hurts just as much as pain from actual trauma. So what if it's all in your head?

Octavia E. Butler
Octavia E. Butler

My race and sex had a great deal more to do with what people believed I could do than with what I actually could do.