Miller's Crossing
Miller's Crossing

Tom Reagan: Nobody knows anybody. Not that well.

Miller's Crossing
Miller's Crossing

Bernie: Look in your heart! Look in your heart!
Tom Reagan: What heart?

Miller's Crossing
Miller's Crossing

Eddie Dane: How'd you get the fat lip?
Tom Reagan: Old war wound. Acts up around morons.

Miller's Crossing
Miller's Crossing

Tom Reagan: Think about what protecting Bernie gets us. Think about what offending Caspar loses us.
Leo O'Bannion: Oh, come on, Tommy. You know I don't like to think.
Tom Reagan: Yeah. Well, think about whether you should start.

Miller's Crossing
Miller's Crossing

Johnny Caspar: When you're right you're right, but you never say 'I told you so'.
Tom Reagan: So what am I right about?
Johnny Caspar: Well, I'll tell ya, but first you gotta promise not to say 'I told you so'.
Tom Reagan: I don't say that and I don't like people who do.
Johnny Caspar:

Mink was robbin' me right along with the shmatte.
Tom Reagan: What convinced you of that?
Johnny Caspar: Mink Larouie took a powder. We can't find him. Bluepoint's makin' excuses for him, but personally, I think you were right. I think Mink and Bernie was in it together. I think Mink heard you'd bumped the shmatte, and lit out. The lousy sonofabitch.

Tom Reagan: I told you so.
Johnny Caspar: Hahahaha! You got a lip on you!

Miller's Crossing
Miller's Crossing

Verna: What're you chewin' over?
Tom Reagan: Dream I had once. I was walkin' in the woods, I don't know why. Wind came up and blew me hat off.
Verna: And you chased it, right? You ran and ran, finally caught up to it and you picked it up. But it wasn't a hat anymore and it changed into something else, something wonderful.

Tom Reagan: Nah, it stayed a hat and no, I didn't chase it. Nothing more foolish than a man chasin' his hat.

Miller's Crossing
Miller's Crossing

Johnny Caspar: Friends is a mental state. Wuddya say, kid?
Tom Reagan: I'll think about it.
Johnny Caspar: He'll think about it. Hear that, Bluepoint? That's terrific. The kid's a thinker.
Frankie: Does he want a pillow for his head?
Johnny Caspar: Okay kid, think about it. It's a

mental state. But make it quick, my family's waitin'.
Tom Reagan: I'll think about it and tell you later.
Frankie: He needs to think in the thinking room.
Johnny Caspar: Kid, if it'll help you think, you should know that if you don't do this you won't be in any shape to walk outta here.
Tom Reagan:

Would that be physically... or just a mental state?

Miller's Crossing
Miller's Crossing

Tom Reagan: All in all not a bad guy - if looks, brains and personality don't count.
Verna: You better hope they don't.

Miller's Crossing
Miller's Crossing

Leo O'Bannion: You hear about Rug?
Tom Reagan: Yeah, RIP.
Leo O'Bannion: They took his hair, Tommy. Jesus, that's strange, why would they do that?
Tom Reagan: Maybe it was injuns.

Miller's Crossing
Miller's Crossing

Johnny Caspar: You think that I'm some guinea, fresh off the boat, and you can kick me! But I'm too big for that now. I'm sick a' takin the scrap from you, Leo. I'm a' of marching into this goddamn office to kiss your Irish ass. And I'M SICK A' THE HIGH HAT!
[Puts on his hat and coat]
Johnny Caspar: Youse fancy pants, all a youse.

O'Bannion: Johnny, you're exactly as big as I let you be, and no bigger, and don't forget it, ever.
Johnny Caspar: That's right, Leo. You're the big shot around here, and I'm just some schnook likes to get slapped around.

Miller's Crossing
Miller's Crossing

Tom Reagan: If you want me to keep my mouth shut, it's gonna cost you some dough. I figure a thousand bucks is reasonable, so I want two.

Miller's Crossing
Miller's Crossing

Johnny Caspar: I'm talkin' about friendship. I'm talkin' about character. I'm talkin' about - hell. Leo, I ain't embarrassed to use the word - I'm talkin' about ethics.

Miller's Crossing
Miller's Crossing

Johnny Caspar: One thing I always try to teach my boys: always put one in the brain!

Miller's Crossing
Miller's Crossing

[Tom holds Bernie at gunpoint, and walks him out deeper into the forest]
Bernie: Tommy, you can't do this! You don't bump guys! You're not like those animals back there. It's not right, Tom! They can't make us do this. It's the wrong situation, they can't make us different people than we are. We're not muscle, Tom. I... I... I... never killed anybody. I used a little

information for a chisel, that's all. It's my nature, Tom! I... I... I... can't help it, somebody gives me an angle, I play it. I don't deserve to die for that. Do you think I do?
[Tom doesn't answer, he just keeps walking]
Bernie: I'm... I'm... I'm just a grifter, Tom. I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm... I'm an nobody! But I'll tell you what, I never crossed a friend, Tom.

I never killed anybody, I never crossed a friend, nor you, I'll bet. We're not like those animals! This is not us! Th... th... this is some hop dream! It's a dream, Tommy! I'm praying to you! I can't die! I can't die... out here in the woods, like a dumb animal! In the woods, LIKE A DUMB ANIMAL! Like a dumb animal! I can't... I can't... I CAN'T DIE OUT HERE IN THE WOODS!... like a dumb animal. I

can't... die!
[Bernie falls to his knees, praying]
Bernie: I'm praying to you! Look in your heart! I'm praying to you! Look in your heart! I'm praying to you! Look in your heart! I'm praying to you! Look in your heart...
[Tom slowly aims his gun at Bernie]
Bernie: I'm praying to you! Look in your heart. I'm praying to you... look in

your heart... look in your heart! You can't kill me... look in your heart.

Miller's Crossing
Miller's Crossing

Tom Reagan: Tell Leo he's not God on the throne, he's just a cheap political boss with more hair tonic than brains.

Miller's Crossing
Miller's Crossing

[Last lines]
Leo O'Bannion: Dammit, Tom, I forgive you!
Tom Reagan: I didn't ask for that and I don't want it. Good-bye, Leo.

Miller's Crossing
Miller's Crossing

Verna: Leo's got the right idea. I like him, he's honest and he's got a heart.
Tom Reagan: Then it's true what they say. Opposites attract.

Miller's Crossing
Miller's Crossing

Verna: I thought you said you didn't care about Leo no more.
Tom Reagan: I said we're through. That's not the same thing.

Miller's Crossing
Miller's Crossing

Tom Reagan: I am awake.
Tad: Your eyes are shut.
Tom Reagan: Who you gonna believe?

Miller's Crossing
Miller's Crossing

Tom Reagan: Rug Daniels is dead.
Verna: Gee, that's tough.
Tom Reagan: Don't get hysterical.