Michael Bennet
Michael Bennet

Social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr provide an unparalleled ability for people to stay connected in new and unique ways.

Michael Bennet
Michael Bennet

If we, as individuals, want to keep control of our democracy - rather than have a government paid for by corporate interest checks - then we have to fight back now and make sure our system reflects the belief that people, not corporations, control our democracy.

Michael Bennet
Michael Bennet

Eviction often leads to a disruption in critical services like Medicaid and nutrition assistance when families need them most.

Michael Bennet
Michael Bennet

While NCLB drove important progress on transparency and data disaggregation, I think it's clear that the status quo in public education is not working for our kids or our country.

Michael Bennet
Michael Bennet

Facebook is by far the largest of these social networking sites, and starting with its ill-fated Beacon service, privacy concerns have more than once been raised about how the ubiquitous social networking site handles its user data.

Michael Bennet
Michael Bennet

In my experience, durable progress must be fashioned out of more than obscured truth, slogans, and empty promises. You do it through hard work. By going everywhere. Listening to everyone. Being honest with people. Being ambitious without indulging in magical thinking.

Michael Bennet
Michael Bennet

I believe there's not a harder job in the world than being a teacher, and there isn't a job with a more direct impact on the performance of our students.

Michael Bennet
Michael Bennet

Improving some of the rules under which the Senate functions can begin to replace some of the bad habits Washington has developed with better ones.

Michael Bennet
Michael Bennet

As we all become increasingly reliant on social networking websites and new technologies to stay connected, it's important to remain cognizant of how private personal information and data is handled.

Michael Bennet
Michael Bennet

Electoral victory is not an end in itself. It is intended to set in motion a pluralist process to resolve our disputes and move the country forward.

Michael Bennet
Michael Bennet

A stable and affordable home is fundamental to economic security.

Michael Bennet
Michael Bennet

Local school districts should be free to adapt their academic programs in ways appropriate for their community, but we cannot allow mindless budget shortfalls to force wrongheaded changes to our children's education.

Michael Bennet
Michael Bennet

The Freedom Caucus represents a pessimistic, divisive, and gerrymandered view of our nation. If America is to make progress, we must step forward from this form of politics - not just because we disagree with this or that policy but because it is fundamentally undemocratic and tyrannical.

Michael Bennet
Michael Bennet

As an urban school superintendent, I learned that hiring, training, and investing in professionals to support our children's social and emotional development, meeting academic expectations for students with special needs, and finding more minutes of instruction in the week, not fewer, mattered.

Michael Bennet
Michael Bennet

Coloradans want to take the long view and invest in our state's future. We know that to do this, we cannot neglect our schools.

Michael Bennet
Michael Bennet

We don't have to settle for Freedom Caucus tactics - those guys are tyrants. We don't have to accept that. In fact, we can't and have this country be what this country really can be.

Michael Bennet
Michael Bennet

Our ability to compete for the jobs of tomorrow depends, above all, on our capacity to educate children today.

Michael Bennet
Michael Bennet

A student who has excelled in the classroom should have the opportunity to attend college and become a productive, taxpaying member of society.

Michael Bennet
Michael Bennet

To protect our country's economic future and the health and well being of all Americans, we must find a way to rein in out-of-control costs, provide quality, affordable health care choices to all, and make outrageous insurance industry abuses a thing of the past.

Michael Bennet
Michael Bennet

We have to end political gerrymandering in this country. We have to end it.