Mazie Hirono
Mazie Hirono

Gee, I wish that life were so black and white that you can't think of a single person who, you know, a good person who has done bad things.

Mazie Hirono
Mazie Hirono

We cannot afford to continue losing our coral reefs, which are suffering from a number of threats such as warmer temperatures, more acidic waters, and disease, and that is why Hawaii has become a leader in taking steps to mitigate the harmful impacts of sunscreen on our marine environment.

Mazie Hirono
Mazie Hirono

Our country is made up of groups of immigrants who came here hoping for a better life. They created America. It's a sad thing to have so many people not remember that, including Trump.

Mazie Hirono
Mazie Hirono

It's worth remembering that immigrants come to this country to work, they don't come to get handouts.

Mazie Hirono
Mazie Hirono

America must not abdicate its global leadership role in the climate crisis to countries like China.

Mazie Hirono
Mazie Hirono

I was in sixth grade at Koko Head Elementary School in Honolulu, and was chosen to pin the 50th star on the American flag in front of my teachers and classmates at a special assembly to celebrate statehood.

Mazie Hirono
Mazie Hirono

Diversifying our energy sources will create jobs, improve our national security and lay the foundation for a strong, sustainable economy in the future.

Mazie Hirono
Mazie Hirono

My deep emotional connection to my mother, a remarkable woman who made a hard choice to save her children, and who valiantly struggled to care for us as a single parent, is the current that has driven my entire life. Everything I've accomplished is a testament to her fortitude.

Mazie Hirono
Mazie Hirono

There are people in our country, in our communities who are being marginalized and discriminated against every single day. I fight for them.

Mazie Hirono
Mazie Hirono

As I walk to my office every morning, I know I stand on the shoulders of those who came before me.

Mazie Hirono
Mazie Hirono

In our country, racism is never far below the surface.

Mazie Hirono
Mazie Hirono

Don't talk to me about civility when you're separating families at the border.

Mazie Hirono
Mazie Hirono

I never took a path that was the usual path for someone in my generation. A lot of the women who I went to school with, in those days, it was still the track of becoming a teacher, becoming a nurse. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but I didn't go down that path.

Mazie Hirono
Mazie Hirono

If I had to wait around for somebody to pick me for lieutenant governor, I never would have been picked.

Mazie Hirono
Mazie Hirono

Blue slips enable home-state senators to ensure that the federal judges serving in their states are highly qualified.

Mazie Hirono
Mazie Hirono

In Hawaii, we understand that our way of life depends on a healthy ocean.

Mazie Hirono
Mazie Hirono

I hope that my uniquely American journey can help pave the way for others, especially women, to step into their own immense power.

Mazie Hirono
Mazie Hirono

I was almost 8 when my mother bravely brought her children to this country so we could have a chance at a better life.

Mazie Hirono
Mazie Hirono

I know our country can remain forward-thinking by ensuring young women and minorities are given equal opportunity.

Mazie Hirono
Mazie Hirono

Opinion is not slander.