Laura Ziskin
Laura Ziskin

What's great about making movies is the sort of additive process of bringing people together and having an idea and watching the idea be added to and at the end you have this thing.

Laura Ziskin
Laura Ziskin

For me as a filmmaker, I do the projects I'm really excited about.

Laura Ziskin
Laura Ziskin

I describe myself as someone who was always putting on a show, even when I was a little girl. I wanted to be an actress but I liked organizing everybody and putting on plays. I was a producer.

Laura Ziskin
Laura Ziskin

You know I'm proud that I was able to develop and produce movies that I wanted to make.

Laura Ziskin
Laura Ziskin

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004.

Laura Ziskin
Laura Ziskin

When I was diagnosed I didn't know how epidemic cancer was. You find out that everybody you know is touched by this disease.