Fairuza Balk
Fairuza Balk

I'm beginning to get pigeonholed as the girl who plays the crazies and weirdoes - and that's not the entirety of who I am. Hopefully, the whole point of being in this profession is that you change into anyone you want to be.

Fairuza Balk
Fairuza Balk

I always get the 'goth girl' thing because I wear black. But I don't worship death.

Fairuza Balk
Fairuza Balk

People don't talk to me the way they would other people. They kind of look at me, but they never come over. It makes me feel like there's something wrong with me.

Fairuza Balk
Fairuza Balk

I got beat up up in Texas because my bootlaces were the wrong color.

Fairuza Balk
Fairuza Balk

I want love, because love is the best feeling in the whole world.

Fairuza Balk
Fairuza Balk

I do think I tend to have a darker nature than most.

Fairuza Balk
Fairuza Balk

My family is basically Gypsies - for real.