Emily VanCamp
Emily VanCamp

I think people who lack humility are really annoying.

Emily VanCamp
Emily VanCamp

My idea of a perfect pet is a really, really big dog! Huge!

Emily VanCamp
Emily VanCamp

I don't dig parties. I rather sit at home with my friends and a good movie.

Emily VanCamp
Emily VanCamp

With family dramas, it's hard to keep those stories alive.

Emily VanCamp
Emily VanCamp

I can be quite serious sometimes so laughing is key.

Emily VanCamp
Emily VanCamp

I've given up looking for a boyfriend. That's not to say I won't be interested if the right guy comes along. But I'm not in a hurry.

Emily VanCamp
Emily VanCamp

I'm a pretty open book.

Emily VanCamp
Emily VanCamp

I'm a big zombie buff.

Emily VanCamp
Emily VanCamp

I promised myself I wouldn't work again until I found something that excited me.

Emily VanCamp
Emily VanCamp

We live in a time where the media is a very difficult thing to navigate because it's everywhere, and I tend to want to be a lot more private with my life.

Emily VanCamp
Emily VanCamp

It's very important to be able to distinguish the actors from the characters they play.

Emily VanCamp
Emily VanCamp

I'm exhausted almost all the time.

Emily VanCamp
Emily VanCamp

I'm excited by challenging myself physically and mentally every day.

Emily VanCamp
Emily VanCamp

I've had a couple of pinch-me moments.

Emily VanCamp
Emily VanCamp

Oddly enough, I think that everybody can relate to revenge, on some level. Everyone has wanted to exact it, at some point, and everybody has tampered with the idea, even if they didn't actually go through with it.

Emily VanCamp
Emily VanCamp

I'd love to do some theater.

Emily VanCamp
Emily VanCamp

I've thought about going back to school.

Emily VanCamp
Emily VanCamp

I think it's important to be with a guy who has a strong sense of integrity. That's how I was raised, and that's something I look for.

Emily VanCamp
Emily VanCamp

I think women look for that quality in a man of being a good dad whether they're immediately wanting to be a parent or not.

Emily VanCamp
Emily VanCamp

It's important to me that a man is good at taking care of people.