Eduardo Bhatia
Eduardo Bhatia

There is nothing more fundamental for public workers to know if they are going to be partly laid off.

Eduardo Bhatia
Eduardo Bhatia

The majority of Puerto Ricans in Florida and New York are Democrats, but nonetheless, we have Republican governors.

Eduardo Bhatia
Eduardo Bhatia

We have over 30 dams in Puerto Rico, and I think only one works. We're here in the rain forest, and we have plenty of water. It's insane.

Eduardo Bhatia
Eduardo Bhatia

As Chair of the Broadband and Technology Task Force, I will strive to ensure that legislative and regulatory policy making on these rapidly evolving services takes fully into account the needs of the Latino community.

Eduardo Bhatia
Eduardo Bhatia

Broadband, wireless, and technology services have become a vibrant sector of our national economy with the potential to both empower and invest in our communities.

Eduardo Bhatia
Eduardo Bhatia

No retirement system in the world is as broken as ours.

Eduardo Bhatia
Eduardo Bhatia

People who hand over democracy in exchange for economic security end up losing both things.

Eduardo Bhatia
Eduardo Bhatia

In the 21st century, government efforts should focus on 'multiculturalism', including the diversity of languages.

Eduardo Bhatia
Eduardo Bhatia

I don't have a problem with a board that advises, that supervises, one with which we can have a discussion. But we will never accept a board that has control over Puerto Rico's affairs.

Eduardo Bhatia
Eduardo Bhatia

In Puerto Rico, there has developed a culture of taking out loans and not paying them back. That has ended.

Eduardo Bhatia
Eduardo Bhatia

It is unbelievable that the federal court itself ignores that rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution apply in Puerto Rico.

Eduardo Bhatia
Eduardo Bhatia

From the streets of Los Angeles to the public schools of the Bronx, there is no state of the Union where Latinos are not becoming local leaders and responsible politicians.