Derren Brown
Derren Brown

We go through life owned by the stories we tell ourselves which are often historic and charged narratives - things we've learnt since childhood that we don't even consciously realise are going on.

Derren Brown
Derren Brown

For every moment of concentration there is an equal moment of relaxation.

Derren Brown
Derren Brown

Magic has both feet planted in cheap vaudeville and childish posturing; in dishonesty and therefore not in art.

Derren Brown
Derren Brown

The people who are most susceptible to hypnosis - the rugger bugger types - were also the ones who intimidated me most at school, so on an unconscious level I suppose I'm turning the tables on them.

Derren Brown
Derren Brown

A magic trick of any sort works because you tell yourself a story about what you see. And politicians use this all the time in their own way by throwing a load of statistics at you when things don't quite follow and then saying, 'So therefore blah,' and you believe that 'blah' thing because of the confusion that's come before.

Derren Brown
Derren Brown

I'm finally having my TV removed and replaced by a tropical fish tank, which I hope will provide more interesting viewing.

Derren Brown
Derren Brown

Guilt's too strong a word, but there is this niggling worry that I'm a grown-up doing a childish job and it would be nice to do something more useful and to reach a number of people with an idea you think is important.

Derren Brown
Derren Brown

I'm probably a little shyer than people imagine.

Derren Brown
Derren Brown

In terms of self-esteem and confidence I think I'm generally quite healthy.

Derren Brown
Derren Brown

Since turning 40 I happily moisturise - I have what's called a regime - but I'm always in two minds because I have no idea if I'm completely wasting my money. They feel nice when they are on but I can't stop wondering, 'Am I succumbing to the same nonsense I try to fight against in other areas?'

Derren Brown
Derren Brown

I'm very interested in how we take ownership of our own stories and our own lives.

Derren Brown
Derren Brown

I came across the idea of running towards the things that frighten you. Once you go and do it, you realise that the fear of it is far more powerful than actually doing it.

Derren Brown
Derren Brown

I had a natural aptitude for wanting to be the centre of attention and a definite skill for annoying people.

Derren Brown
Derren Brown

Kindness and compassion aren't political qualities even though they get politicized.

Derren Brown
Derren Brown

I don't like big spiders in the house.

Derren Brown
Derren Brown

Feeling we have to be constantly updated about the lives of our friends and that everything we say has to be out there leads to frustration, anger and jealousy much more than it leads to anything else.

Derren Brown
Derren Brown

The stuff that I do and enjoy is normally quite similar to a lot of the stuff that psychics and spiritualists would enjoy themselves. I just have a different approach to wanting to find out how things really work, or a sense of, I guess, responsibility about honesty and so on.

Derren Brown
Derren Brown

If you aim to be controversial for the sake of it you'd end up with a very thin and meaningless show.

Derren Brown
Derren Brown

The big, fun, ambitious ideas tend to come out of the frustration of talking for too long about the smaller, weaselly ones.

Derren Brown
Derren Brown

I was part of a very uncool group. It was a group that liked classical music. They were known as the Music School Gang or, less charitably, the Poof Gang.