Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton

It doesn't matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was.

Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton

Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard.

Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton

Live or die, but don't poison everything.

Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton

Saints have no moderation, nor do poets, just exuberance.

Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton

God has a brown voice, as soft and full as beer.

Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton

Even though I'm often crazy - and I am, and I know it - still I fight it because I know how sterile, how futile, how bleak... nothing grows from it, and you, meanwhile, only grow into it like a snail.

Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton

In a dream you are never eighty.

Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton

The joy that isn't shared dies young.

Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton

I was trying my damnedest to lead a conventional life, for that was how I was brought up, and it was what my husband wanted of me. But one can't build little white picket fences to keep nightmares out.

Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton

The beautiful feeling after writing a poem is on the whole better even than after sex, and that's saying a lot.

Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton

Madness is a waste of time. It creates nothing.

Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton

I was a victim of the American Dream, the bourgeois, middle-class dream. All I wanted was a little piece of life, to be married, to have children.

Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton

Even without wars, life is dangerous.

Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton

God owns heaven but He craves the earth.

Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton

Death's in the good-bye.

Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton

Need is not quite belief.

Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton

I am not immortal. Faustus and I are the also-ran.

Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton

Most poets are mad. It doesn't qualify us for anything.

Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton

These poets (fans of whatever) should be contacting other young poets on their way - not those who have made it, who sit on a star and then have plenty of problems: usually no money, usually the fear their own writing is going down the sink hole.

Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton

Before I was married, I had never washed one dish or seen how you fried an egg or baking a potato.