Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

The Conservative party believes Canada is stronger for being able to welcome people from all over the world.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

I think there's a fine line between confidence and arrogance.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

We would never accept a prime minister saying, 'Well, maybe I'll intervene and use a trade issue as a link to an independent investigation into criminal activity.'

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

I'm a big believer in freedom and people's rights to express themselves and not have government interfere in that type of thing.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

Whether it's Liberal or Conservative - any time someone has a perspective on what their experience has been as prime minister of the country, it's always interesting.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

I'm proud to say that we are the party of Canada's first prime minister, the father of our federation, and the visionary who made this land possible.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

Part of what the carbon tax does is make Canada less competitive.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

No one likes when debate gets stifled, when these events get cancelled, whether it's a former president or prime minister of Israel, whether it's a discussion on a panel.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

We don't always win when we are united, but we always lose when we are divided.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

When we're the victims of insulting language and attacks, it's obviously going to evoke a response.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

The Conservative party under my leadership will continue to be an inclusive, welcoming party that welcomes not only immigrants but also refugees and ensures that Canada plays its role in welcoming people from difficult situations.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

When it comes to Senate reform, in general, I've always been a believer in an elected Senate and would hope to achieve aspects of Senate reform.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

Justin Trudeau tries to say that Canada is back. I say the Liberals are back - back to ignoring the rules and abusing the privileges of power.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

I think it's a disgrace that some would allow extreme voices in this country to erase our proud heritage.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

When it comes to protecting workers, labour conditions, labour legislation, the rights for collective bargaining, when you look at our environmental standards, when you look at our public disclosure laws and accountability and securities regulations to ensure that companies abide by the law, we don't have a level playing field with China.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

A single tax return for Quebecers will eliminate unnecessary paperwork for families and businesses.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

Our position is that we believe that Canada has to have a comprehensive plan to significantly reduce global emissions.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

No matter what the issue is, conservative principles are always better for people than big-government, liberal principles.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

If a factory closes down here and pops up in China where they don't have access to clean technology, clean energy, then the world is not better off.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

We know that the government in China has been involved in cyber attacks before. I look at our partners around the world, our traditional allies, our NATO partners who are making the same assessment. We share so much with them and rely on their technology, their expertise and interoperability in many aspects of our own armed forces.