Alfred Lunt
Alfred Lunt

The secret of my success? I speak in a loud clear voice and try not to bump into the furniture.

Alfred Lunt
Alfred Lunt

There were a great many in vaudeville - people who never quite came through. But they had their place, and they filled it. They kept theatres open. Those pan-timers, those interstate-timers, those four-a-dayers, those six-a-dayers - they were an integral part of that endearing merry-go-round called vaudeville.

Alfred Lunt
Alfred Lunt

I can be bought, but not bored.

Alfred Lunt
Alfred Lunt

Miss Fontanne and I rehearse all the time. Even after we leave the theater, we rehearse. We sleep in the same bed. We have a script on our hands when we go to bed. You can't come and tell us to stop rehearsing after eight hours.