Anna Andrejewna Achmatowa
Anna Andrejewna Achmatowa

I am in the middle of it: chaos and poetry; poetry and love and again, complete chaos. Pain, disorder, occasional clarity; and at the bottom of it all: only love; poetry. Sheer enchantment, fear, humiliation. It all comes with love

Charles Addams
Charles Addams

Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.

Rabih Alameddine
Rabih Alameddine

I wonder if being sane means disregarding the chaos that is life, pretending only an infinitesimal segment of it is reality.

Naif ibn Abd al-Aziz
Naif ibn Abd al-Aziz

There were "evil people", who "wanted to make the kingdom a place for chaos and marches that are void of noble goals."

Jurij Andruchowytsch
Jurij Andruchowytsch

At the helm of freshly-baked, forgive me, independent governments there will appear executives tested and appointed by us. Chaos will generate more chaos. Where this would prove impossible, power will be grabbed by plain old degenerates. Or political prostitutes, dear Vladimir Ilyich. Or simply nothings.

Norman Angell
Norman Angell

The convictions of the multitudes — and on certain points like the desirability of organizing the world on a nationalist basis there is overwhelming agreement — are sincere convictions. They are, as we know, sometimes disastrously erroneous; but they are also disastrously honest. The Nationalisms, the Protectionisms, the Mercantilisms and all the other fallacies which rack Europe and create

the chaos are sincerely held fallacies. They are, to these multitudes, the truth, and the prophet who denies them shall be stoned.

Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

Life is nothing without a little chaos to make it interesting.

Malcolm Azania
Malcolm Azania

Paranoia speaks to a deeper drive than fear. Paranoia is a defiant charge to a cold, unfeeling cosmos: Hear me! I exist! I’m important!” Because after all, if someone is actually orchestrating the chaos of the universe against you personally, then you do matter. When no one seems to care anymore, at least enemies” give you the comforting illusion that you count.

Meher Baba
Meher Baba

All this world confusion and chaos was inevitable and no one is to blame.

Charles Babbage
Charles Babbage

Fortunate circumstances must concur, even to the greatest, to render them eminently successful. It is not permitted to all to be born, like Archimedes, when a science was to be created; nor, like Newton, to find the system of the world "without form and void;" and, by disclosing gravitation, to shed throughout that system the same irresistible radiance as that with which the Almighty Creator had

illumined its material substance. It can happen to but few philosophers, and but at distant intervals, to snatch a science, like Dalton, from the chaos of indefinite combination, and binding it in the chains of number, to exalt it to rank amongst the exact.