Kage Baker
Kage Baker

Justice doesn’t exist! We did worse things. Nobody deserves to go to that place, Alec said. Anyway, weren’t you Christian types supposed to forgive everybody?
I will shed no tears for that bastard’s damnation, said Nicholas stonily.
No wonder nobody’s left that believes in your stupid religion, said Alec.

Kage Baker
Kage Baker

That is one dark house your God lives in, man. Alec shook his head. You can keep your Age of Faith. Whyn’t you find somebody to worship who isn’t a shracking psychopath?

Kage Baker
Kage Baker

That wasn’t very godly,” Alec calls up to him.
And what has God to do with me?” Nicholas shouts back. No voices speak to me out of any burning bush. No word at all. Hideous vacancy, monstrous indifference, and a senseless universe!”
Well,” says Alec cautiously, I would think that was a good thing. Shouldn’t you have grown out of this by now? What do you want meaning in the

universe for, anyway? Nothing means anything! We’re just here to go along for the adventure.”