
I wear glasses because I need them; I don't wear them to be the fashion victim, I have to have them because I have a stigma in one eye and I'm blind in another. But I make it fun, I make it acceptable to fit in society; I've always worn crazy, goofy glasses, it's just what I do. This is who I am. Love me or leave me.


Nothing's fair when we lose without a moment to say goodbye.


And I've been to darker places
That I never thought I'd go
And I've learned lots of lessons
I can say I'm finally home.


There is no rose without a thorn
No rain without the storm
There is no laughter without tears
No wisdom without years
In a world gone crazy
Torn between the roads that we must choose
Win or lose.


No matter if I'm laughing or crying
It ain't gonna stop me from trying
The truth is what I have to uncover
In this only life.


Is this the light at the end of the tunnel
Is this the end, the end of all my trouble
Is this the light at the end of the tunnel
Or just the light of another oncoming train.


If every soul should lose it's way
If every face should lose it's name
If no one tries to end this game
Or find a way to ease the pain
Who's gonna stop the rain?


You can tear me apart
You can rip me to pieces
Try breaking me down
But I'll never be beated
You can say that you won
But I'll never believe it cos
I can't be defeated.


Show me some hope
Show me some light
Cause I got nothing left in me tonight
If I don’t go
If I say no
Is it the end?


I had to perform in Béziers, In France, in a huge arena where they normally hold bullfights. There where a bunch of important people there, I was not that famous yet, so alot was riding on this performance, but the vibe was amazing. So a few songs into the set I yelled very enthusiastically ‘J’adore Béziers” Unfortunatly my French speech is not perfect so it sounded as J'adore baiser! The

public did not respond, so I thought, with the wind they probably did not understand it clearly, so alot louder I yelled J'ADORE BAISER!!!! And then a deadly silence. Afterwords someone asked me, ‘doe joe know vot you ave just told all of France?’ Sure, I told’em I love’em…. euh not really…man I was dying! But the boss from the French record label said, don’t worry about it, they

thought u where amazing, we will sell alot of records here.


I barely recognize myself
Sometimes I feel like someone else
Don't always have to be perfect
And if I stumble on the way
I don't know I'm gonna be okay
It's alright to get myself dirty.


(About Elton John) He's my fairy Godfather; literally that's what I call him. […] Hopefully while I'm in town there'll be a moment I can share my new boobs with him. I have to show him, because he gets to see. Not that he's really caring, but I flashed him my other ones so he has to see these ones too. He has to see the new set.


I don't have a deep desire to know my father. My brother and sister and I got forgotten about by him, and we haven't spoken to him in a ridiculous amount of years. He never contacted us after he and my mother broke up. […] I never felt rejected as a kid. We had a fulfilling life with my mum. She was so strong.


Early detection has saved my life twice. I will continue to battle and lend my voice in any way I can.


I think there will always be challenges for women and men. There are always going to be male chauvenists but it's just a matter of women continuing to stand up for their rights and prove their worth. The world would end if women didn't start families, carry children, but that is no reason for them not to work, have careers, exist as a person rather than just a mother.


They say that time heals the pain
Till only love remains.


Wanna live in a place where the truth still finds a way to rise and advise.


I was walking tru Amsterdam when I heared I’m Outta Love blasting out of an open window. In that moment I rang their doorbell and when those people opened the door I said ‘Roomservice!’ Never I saw people dropping their jaws that much (laughs) I saw their eyes goin from me to their tv that had mtv on, back to me and back to the tv again, you saw they where thinking, how can this woman be in

both places in the same time? But once they got over that shock they did not wanna let me go anymore, ‘come in, there is plenty to drink, there is plenty of everything (winks), what do you wanna eat, are u staying over…?’ Sweet people, real cute, only later I realized, oh my god, what if they were just making love to my music, they would have opend the door naked!


I can see the light of day
Even through the rainy haze.


One time I woke up on the day of a concert with a stiff neck, and not just a regular stiff neck, I was standing croocked, like the hunchback of Notre Dame. I got some shots then, which did not work. They could have easily put the stage croocked that day so it at least would have looked like I was walking normally. I did perform that night, but I remember nothing from it, was so high from the

shots. Later I heared from my manager that I was doin never ending talks between songs. The guy’s at the mix table where trying via the monitor to get me to start singing the next song, but I just kept talking ‘wait wait wait, just one more fun thing I want to say…” I was the stand up comic from hell.