Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

I think Michael Moore is loathsome, though, not because he dislikes Bush, but because he seems to dislike America.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

I think it’s a total nightmare and disaster, and I’m ashamed that I went against my own instincts in supporting it (the U. S. war in Iraq). It’s something I’ll never do again. Never. I got convinced by a friend of mine who’s smarter than I am, and I shouldn’t have done that. No. I want things to work out, but I’m enraged by it, actually.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

STEWART: No, this [CrossFire], it's theater. Like, take this for example. How old are you?

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

The Republican Party of 2005 bears no resemblance to the Republican Party of 1994.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

But is diversity our strength? The less we have in common, the stronger we are? Is that true of families? Is it true in neighborhoods or businesses? Of course not. Then why is it true of America? Nobody knows. Nobody’s even allowed to ask the question.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson began at The Weekly Standard. Tucker Carlson was a great young reporter. He was one of the most gifted 24-year-olds I’ve seen in the 20 years that I edited the magazine. His copy was sort of perfect at age 24.He had always a little touch of Pat Buchananism, I would say, paleo-conservativism.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

God bless Mr. Carlson for focusing on these vital issues.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

Fox News host Tucker Carlson can congratulate himself for the sentiment coming from the White House. Last week, Carlson apparently decided that the discussion on immigration featured an insufficient amount of racism and hate.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

We noted at the beginning of this show that Ilhan Omar is trying to take this show off the air. Shut us up. Silence us. We want to reassure you that’s not going to happen. Why? Because we work at Fox News, and they’ve got our back, and we’re thankful for that.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

It’s obvious we need more scientists and skilled engineers. What we’re getting instead are waves of poor people with a high school education or less. They’re nice people; nobody doubts that. But as an economic matter, this is insane. It’s indefensible, so nobody tries to defend it. It’s indefensible, so no one even tries to defend it.Instead, our leaders demand you shut up and accept it.

We’ve got a moral obligation to admit the world’s poor, they tell us, even if it makes our own country poorer, dirtier and more divided.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

Grover Norquist is a mean-spirited, humorless, dishonest little creep… an embarrassing anomaly, the leering, drunken uncle everyone else wishes would stay home… [He] is repulsive, granted, but there aren't nearly enough of him to start a purge trial.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

There may be countries worth invading, but I don't think we'll be invading them.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

It's almost impossible to make the case that Bush is a conservative. That may be good; that may be bad.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

STEWART: And you're wearing a bow tie. See my point? Now, I'm not saying you're not a smart man, because those are hard to tie.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

I think [Pat] Buchanan is far too easily and glibly dismissed.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

Maybe in fact it was better to have Saddam in there. Maybe Saddam, as bad as he was-was not the worst we could get. Maybe chaos was the worst we could get. That's the truth.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

Don't take a leak on my shoes and tell me it's raining.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

I mean, look, no matter how you feel about Bush, watching him speak is difficult. It's like— it's like watching a drunk man cross an icy street.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

He has used his platform to push out prejudice. I think it’s disgusting and I don’t think it deserves a place on a major news network…. incredibly irresponsible to even make such a statement while we are still burying people who were gunned down by a white supremacist.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

He is a patsy and a fraud – the kind of public personality totalitarian regimes used to nurture for years in order to execute for a lack of orthodoxy at some opportune historical moment much later on.