Nicolas de Cues
Nicolas de Cues

The universe has no circumference

Nicolas de Cues
Nicolas de Cues

In God, absolute unity is absolute multiplicity, absolute identity is absolute diversity

Nicolas de Cues
Nicolas de Cues

You know how the divine Simplicity enfolds all things.

Nicolas de Cues
Nicolas de Cues

You know, Lord, that a great multitude cannot exist without much diversity

Nicolas de Cues
Nicolas de Cues

Therefore since all men are free by nature, every government

Nicolas de Cues
Nicolas de Cues

Now law ought to be made by all those who are to be bound by it, or by a majority in an election, because it is for the good of the community, and what affects all ought to be decided by all, and a common decision can only be reached by the consent of all, or of a majority.

Nicolas de Cues
Nicolas de Cues

For this reason You have given Your people diverse kings and seers, who are called prophets, of whom the majority instituted cults and laws corresponding to the purpose of their legation in Your name, and thus instructed the uncultivated people.

Nicolas de Cues
Nicolas de Cues

Thus, while I am borne to loftiest heights, I behold Thee as Infinity

Nicolas de Cues
Nicolas de Cues

Even though you acknowledge diverse religions, you all presuppose in all of this diversity the one, which you call wisdom

Nicolas de Cues
Nicolas de Cues

From one individual was multiplied the many people who inhabit the earth's surface. And even if that intellectual spirit, sown in earth and swallowed up in shadow, does not see the light and the source of his beginning, nevertheless, you created along with him everything through which he, kindled by wonder at those things which he contacts by the senses, can sometimes lift the eyes of his mind to

you, the Creator of all, and can be reunited to you in highest love and so can finally return to his source with joy

Nicolas de Cues
Nicolas de Cues

Therefore, the inhabitants of other stars — of whatever sort these inhabitants might be – bear no comparative relationship to the inhabitants of the earth (istius mundi ). [That is true] even if, with respect to the goal of the universe, that entire region bears to this entire region a certain comparative relationship which is hidden to us — so that in this way the inhabitants of this earth

or region bear, through the medium of the whole region, a certain mutual relationship to those other inhabitants. (By comparison, the particular parts of the fingers of a hand bear, through the medium of the hand, a comparative relationship to a food; and the particular parts of the foot [bear], through the medium of the foot, [a comparative relationship] to a hand — so that all [members] are

comparatively related to the whole animal.) Hence, since the entire region is unknown to us, those inhabitants remain altogether unknown.

Nicolas de Cues
Nicolas de Cues

For a persistent and continued ascent to [the Principle and Source of] life is the constituent element of increased happiness.

Nicolas de Cues
Nicolas de Cues

That all legislation is based on the natural law, and that all coercion must be brought about by the choice and consent of the subjects, since we are equally free by nature, and that jurisdictions that are created have no power from themselves, but only according to the laws and canons. This is a fine argument.

Nicolas de Cues
Nicolas de Cues

I am a -living shadow and Thou the Truth… Therefore, my God, Thou art alike shadow and Truth; Thou art alike the image and the Exemplar of myself and all men.

Nicolas de Cues
Nicolas de Cues

Now men, who from the beginning have been gifted with reason above all animals, which is a great advantage for the conservation of their fellowship and community, and for the end on account of which each one of them exists. Indeed, having come to understand what is necessary through rational discourse, they were moved by a natural instinct to unite with one another and, once they were living

together, to construct villages and towns. And if man had not discovered the rules for preserving peace against the corrupt inclinations of many, union would not have been enough to save him. And it is for this reason that cities were established, in which the citizens are united, and there are laws to preserve that unity and agreement by the common consent of all, and there are also guardians

over them all, with the power to do as much as is necessary for the public good.

Nicolas de Cues
Nicolas de Cues

Wisdom is not to be found in the art of oratory, or in great books, but in a withdrawal from these sensible things and in a turning to the most simple and infinite forms. You will learn how to receive it into a temple purged from all vice, and by fervent love to cling to it until you may taste it and see how sweet That is which is all sweetness. Once this has been tasted, all things which you now

consider as important will appear as vile, and you will be so humbled that no arrogance or other vice will remain in you. Once having tasted this wisdom, you will inseparably adhere to it with a chaste and pure heart. You will choose rather to forsake this world and all else that is not of this wisdom, and living with unspeakable happiness you will die.

Nicolas de Cues
Nicolas de Cues

Moses had described a path to God, but this path was neither taken up by everyone nor was it understood by everyone. Jesus illuminated and perfected this path; nevertheless, many even now remain unbelievers. Muhammad tried to make the same path easier, so that it might be accepted by all, even idolaters. These are the most famous of the said paths to God, although many others were presented by the

wise and the prophets

Nicolas de Cues
Nicolas de Cues

And when I behold Thee as absolute Infinity, to whom is befitting neither the name of creating Creator nor of creatable Creator-then indeed I begin to behold Thee unveiled, and to enter into the garden of delights!

Nicolas de Cues
Nicolas de Cues

Therefore, come to our assistance, You who alone are powerful. For this rivalry is on account of You, whom alone all venerate in all that they seem to adore.

Nicolas de Cues
Nicolas de Cues

There can only be one wisdom. For if it were possible that there be several wisdoms, then these would have to be from one. Namely, unity is prior to all plurality