Nelson DeMille
Nelson DeMille

The problem with doing nothing is not knowing when you are finished.

Nelson DeMille
Nelson DeMille

Basically, all women are nurturers and healers, and all men are mental patients to varying degrees.

Nelson DeMille
Nelson DeMille

A lot of our perception of history is influenced by inaccurate movies.

Nelson DeMille
Nelson DeMille

Women need a reason to have sex; men need only a place.

Nelson DeMille
Nelson DeMille

It's really scary when you have a moment of temporary sanity.

Nelson DeMille
Nelson DeMille

… the most common cause of death among alpha males was ego.

Nelson DeMille
Nelson DeMille

The meaning of life has not much to do with good and evil, right and wrong, duty, honor, country, or any of that.

It has to do with cutting the right deal.

Nelson DeMille
Nelson DeMille

Credo quia impossibile.’ I believe it because it is impossible.

Nelson DeMille
Nelson DeMille

You intrigue me.