Jude Deveraux
Jude Deveraux

My soul will find yours.

Jude Deveraux
Jude Deveraux

Love can make even nice people do awful things.

Jude Deveraux
Jude Deveraux

Time has no meaning,
Love will endure..

Jude Deveraux
Jude Deveraux

Were I to die tomorrow, my soul would remember you.
~Nicholas Stafford

Jude Deveraux
Jude Deveraux

There are no new stories. It all depends on how you handle them. In romances the characters are going to fall in love with each other; you know that when you see the syrupy cover. It's how get there that's the fun.

Jude Deveraux
Jude Deveraux

It's an odd thing about love. When someone you love cries, your heart melts. But when someone you don't love cries, you look at them and think, Why are you telling 'me' this?

Jude Deveraux
Jude Deveraux

Waiting for Prince Charming?"
"Aren't all women? And you're waiting for Cinderella."
"Actually," Jared said slowly, "I'm rather hoping to find the Evil Queen. I think she'd be much more fun.

Jude Deveraux
Jude Deveraux

We women aren't good at hints. We like solid declarations of love and forever.

Jude Deveraux
Jude Deveraux

I would rather die then try to live without you”, May you always love me and want me but never have me”, May you never love anyone but me”.

Jude Deveraux
Jude Deveraux

Will you give me another chance?” Robert repeated. Smiling, Dougless kissed him on the cheek. No,” she said, although I thank you very much for the offer.

Jude Deveraux
Jude Deveraux

What kind of wedding do you want?"
"The one with a groom.