Joe Biden
Joe Biden

To make progress, we must stop treating our opponents as our enemy. We are not enemies. We are Americans.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden

It's going to be very difficult. I do not view abortion as a choice and a right. I think it's always a tragedy, and I think that it should be rare and safe, and I think we should be focusing on how to limit the number of abortions. There ought to be able to have a common ground and consensus as to do that.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden

The American story is about the slow, yet steady widening of opportunity.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden

I pledge to be a president who doesn't sees the blue states or the red states only sees the United States.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden

They're going to put y'all back in chains

Joe Biden
Joe Biden

We may be opponents but we are not enemies. We are americans.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden

People ask if I can compete with the money of Hillary and Barack. I hope at the end of the day, they can compete with my ideas and my experience.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden

There's good reason to be excited. You have the first woman running who is qualified, and a very attractive African-American who has demonstrated crossover appeal. I got involved in politics 40 years ago during the civil rights movement, so yes, it's an exciting thing.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden

The average voter out there understands that the next president is going to have to be prepared to immediately step in without hesitation and end our involvement in Iraq. It's very difficult to figure out how to move on to broader foreign policy concerns without fixing Iraq first.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden


Joe Biden
Joe Biden

It was that hard; I still feel that way. But I believe that President Bush failed to lead. History will judge him harshly not for the mistakes he made- we all make mistakes- but for the opportunities he squandered.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden

There is never a time when a president can act to stop a tragedy from occurring without being held politically accountable one way or the other. If he does it and fails, he's wrong. If he does it and succeeds, he was never right because it didn't happen. If we go in and stop an act of genocide, we can't prove what we stopped.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden

These were al-Qaeda fighters, the first I'd ever seen up close, and they looked like badasses. As I passed on the outskirts of the grid, many of the prisoners stared directly at me. None of them cowered. I've been in a lot of prisons, but these guys showed a ferocity and a hatred unlike any I'd ever seen.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden

I kept trying to tell people that just because I was young didn't mean I could speak for all young people.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden

I, too, believe there are natural rights that predate any written political or legal documents; we have these rights merely because we're children of God.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden

Just because our political heroes were murdered does not mean that the dream does not still live, buried deep in our broken hearts.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden

As I pushed through to the podium, I could hear people murmuring under their breath: "There he is… Goddam Biden…. Kill the sonofabitch." And these were my voters- working-class Democrats.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden

I liked to go at night when I thought there was a better chance of finding a fight. I was always looking for a fight. I had not known I was capable of such rage. I knew I had been cheated of a future, but I felt I'd been cheated of a past, too. The underpinnings of my life had been kicked out from under me… and it wasn't just the loss of Neilia and Naomi. All my life I'd been taught about our

benevolent God. This is a forgiving God, a just God, a God who knows people make mistakes. This is a God who is tolerant. This is a God who gave us free will to be able to doubt. This was a loving God, a God of comfort. Well, I didn't want to hear anything about a merciful God. No words, no prayer, no sermon gave me ease. I felt God had played a horrible trick on me, and I was angry. I found no

comfort in the Church. So I kept walking the dark streets to try to exhaust the rage.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden

Make sure of two things. Be careful — microphones are always hot, and understand that in Washington, D. C., a gaffe is when you tell the truth. So, be careful.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden

The standard of judgment is no longer results but the flickering image of seriousness, skillfully crafted to squeeze into 30 seconds on the nightly news. In this world, emotion has become suspect - the accepted style is smooth, antiseptic and passionless.