Domnica Radulescu
Domnica Radulescu

Dois-je l'embrasser ou le gifler ? Il plaisante, me dis-je avec fermeté. La preuve ? Il écoute Ella Fitzgerald et les Beatles. Je peux lui faire confiance. Je peux l'aimer. J'entends un train siffler.

Domnica Radulescu
Domnica Radulescu

- C'était un brave type
- Comment ça un brave type?

Domnica Radulescu
Domnica Radulescu

I write a letter in my head to Anushka Pomorowska. I can't send it because it would be censored and Anushka would never get it anyway. But I indulge in this childish activity of writing an imaginary letter. At leats if she's not going to get it, it's because I never sent it, not because the police took it away. Living in this country stunts your maturity, and you want to stay in your childhood for

ever, even when your childhood is also a mess.

Domnica Radulescu
Domnica Radulescu

He had come to me in unrecognizable shape, a stranger, a man from the street, bearded and dressed like a vagabond, taking refuge inside an art gallery where I happened to be having my first show. But then he unfolded under my very eyes like some enchanted prince from fairy tales who casts off all evil spells and scaly skins upon the kiss of a woman. She recognizes him for what he it: the one next

to whom life is a thrill and a carousel, an oasis and a walk through apricot blossoms even in the midst of a dry desert or a dizzying storm.