Ansel Adams
Ansel Adams

At one with the power ot the American lanscape, and renowned for the patient skill and timeless beauty of his work, photographer Ansel Adams has been visionary in his efforts to preserve the country's wilde and scenic areas, both on film and hearth. Drawn to the beauty of nature's monuments, he is regarded by environmentalists as a monument himself, and by photographers as a national institution.

It is throught his foresight and fortitude that so much of America has been saved for future Americans.

Ansel Adams
Ansel Adams

Adams had a rare gift : he was able to transform geographic reality into transcendent emotional experience.

Ansel Adams
Ansel Adams

Visualization is not an arcane procedure ; it is acutally a fact of life. To visualize we must first look, and to look is to observe more of the world about us, not only for itself, but also for the asthetic and meaningful relationships therein.