Alan Bean
Alan Bean

The movement of human beings off the planet out into the Universe; first the Moon, and then Mars, and then who knows where, is just beginning and there is nothing that can stop it.

Alan Bean
Alan Bean

Apollo is the greatest adventure of all humankind, and it needs to be recorded in every way possible for future generations in books, in movies and on television. … I’m an artist. That’s the way I care about things. Maybe 200 years from now, someone will say, "I’m glad he did that."

Alan Bean
Alan Bean

I think Genesis in the Old Testament has it wrong. I don’t think we were thrown out of the Garden of Eden. Just look around. We’re still in it, particularly when you compare the earth with the moon. The moon has no plants, no life, no water, no animals, no nothing.

Alan Bean
Alan Bean

Everyone is trying to reach for their own stars, and all of those stars aren’t light-years away. They are as close as our job, our family, our children, our next-door neighbors and our good friends.

Alan Bean
Alan Bean

!-- I think everything depends on money. How much money does the administration want to put forth to do this kind of exploration. And I think the amount we're getting now is about what we're going to get in the future. I don't see that changing very much and so I think we'll take that money and use it to build a space station. Then we'll use it to make it a little better and then when money frees

up of that amount, then we'll try to decide what we can do with that money then.
I don't think we're going to see a sudden jump in the budget other than inflation. It will keep going with inflation. So I don't see anything for a while. It's going to be an orderly movement and that's okay. That's the way history is. --> History has spurts and then is steady, and then maybe even backing up a

step, and then forward again.

Alan Bean
Alan Bean

Long after I’m gone, people will have these paintings with dust and footprints in them. It will be something really special for people to enjoy and remember.

Alan Bean
Alan Bean

History has spurts and then is steady, and then maybe even backing up a step, and then forward again.