Adam Conover
Adam Conover

In philosophy you're never 100% sure. You're always undermining what you think you know. That's always been my philosophy and my intellectual ethos.

Adam Grant
Adam Grant

One of the signs of a bad coworker is a pattern of persistent undermining - intentionally hindering a colleague's success, reputation, or relationships.

Adam Grant
Adam Grant

If you've ever had a coworker actively interfere with your productivity, try to make you look bad, steal your ideas, or give you false information, you've been the victim of undermining.

Al Gore
Al Gore

The Bush administration works closely with a network of rapid response digital brownshirts who work to pressure reporters and their editors for 'undermining support for our troops.'

Alexander Vindman
Alexander Vindman

In taking a very sober view of where this president is taking this country, the divisions, the catering to our adversaries, the undermining of national security interests, that I am absolutely a never-Trumper.

Alistair Darling
Alistair Darling

Deficits must be cut, yes, but the rush to austerity risks undermining the fragile global recovery.

Amy Cuddy
Amy Cuddy

Ironically, while many of us spend hours every day using small mobile devices to increase our productivity and efficiency, interacting with these objects, even for short periods of time, might do just the opposite, reducing our assertiveness and undermining our productivity.

Ann McLane Kuster
Ann McLane Kuster

We shouldn't be undermining Medicare for those who need it most in order to give more tax cuts to those who need them least.

Bellamy Young
Bellamy Young

I used to be so hard on myself. So hard on myself. Just my own worst critic to the nth degree. Absolutely undermining my confidence in every moment. Bad tape in my head all the time.

Benazir Bhutto
Benazir Bhutto

Democracy is necessary to peace and to undermining the forces of terrorism.