Claire Saffitz
Claire Saffitz

I know very little about my great grandparents, who came through Ellis Island in the early twentieth century, settled in Baltimore, and spoke only Yiddish.

Darryl Pinckney
Darryl Pinckney

Manhattan was the capital of the twentieth century for black writers, artists, and intellectuals as much as it was for their white counterparts.

David Novak
David Novak

When modern political Zionism emerged around the turn of the twentieth century, most Orthodox Jews opposed it.

Dennis Prager
Dennis Prager

Although images of perfection in people's personal lives can cause unhappiness, images of perfect societies - utopian images - can cause monstrous evil. In fact, forcefully changing society to conform to societal images was the greatest cause of evil in the twentieth century.

Dinesh D'Souza
Dinesh D'Souza

Contrary to what we learn from progressives in education and the media, the history of the Democratic Party well into the twentieth century is a virtually uninterrupted history of thievery, corruption, and bigotry.

Donald Hall
Donald Hall

On September twentieth every year, I got to choose my menu - meatloaf, corn niblets, and rice were followed by candles on chocolate cake with vanilla icing and a scoop of Brock-Hall ice cream.

Douglas Rushkoff
Douglas Rushkoff

If the end of the twentieth century can be characterized by futurism, the twenty-first can be defined by presentism.

Drew Gilpin Faust
Drew Gilpin Faust

Since the middle of the twentieth century, our understanding of the American past has been revolutionized, in no small part because of our altered conceptions of the place of race in the nation's history.

Drew Gilpin Faust
Drew Gilpin Faust

In the middle of the nineteenth century, the United States embarked on a new relationship with death, entering into a civil war that proved bloodier than any other conflict in American history, a war that would presage the slaughter of World War I's Western Front and the global carnage of the twentieth century.

Dustin Lance Black
Dustin Lance Black

I do try to deliver a solid first draft, meaning it's my tenth or twentieth draft and then I call it 'first' and hand it in, much to the chagrin of the studio sometimes when they look at the contract and go, 'You've passed your deadline.'