Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

When she was in United States, we maintained contact, we talked to each other on the phone, almost every night. And there was one occasion I tried to fix this video conferencing but somehow it did not come out very well enough so better to talk on the phone.

Abdurrahman Wahid
Abdurrahman Wahid

If we cling to the institution of Islam, then we tend to defend it against whatever we see as a danger to it, so because of this we see now that many people are defending states, defending territories, defending everything institutional in the belief that they defend Islam.

Abdullah II of Jordan
Abdullah II of Jordan

Mr. President, prime ministers, let us have ambitions: ambitions to move beyond the violence and occupation, to the day when two states, Palestine and Israel, can live together side by side in peace and security.

Abhijit Banerjee
Abhijit Banerjee

Franklin Delano Roosevelt eventually became the greatest liberal leader of 20th century United States, but he started as a fiscal conservative. His greatness is founded in his willingness to change his mind to save his country from the Great Depression.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams

If we mean to have heroes, statesmen and philosophers, we should have learned women.

Abraham Maslow
Abraham Maslow

What we need is a system of thought - you might even call it a religion - that can bind humans together. A system that would fit the Republic of Chad as well as the United States: a system that would supply our idealistic young people with something to believe in.

Abu Bakar Bashir
Abu Bakar Bashir

There is not a single Muslim leader today who has the courage and commitment to defend Islam and Muslims, they are all in awe of the United States and other Western powers, and are indebted to them.

Adam Braun
Adam Braun

The most abundant resources that we possess amongst the 1.5 million nonprofits in the United States are passion and knowledge, yet our most scarce resource is collaboration.

Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.

I am proud to be a member of the Congress of the United States.

Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.

I believe that Christianity in the United States has been dragging its feet, and I don't think there's any other force in America that has been more detrimental to the solution of our racial problems than Christianity.