Abigail Disney
Abigail Disney

News reports don't look at the land that existed before a war and the land that exists after a war. Reporting on war is a snapshot in time.

Ajit Pai
Ajit Pai

Imagine a world where everything that can be connected will be connected - where driverless cars talk to smart transportation networks and where wireless sensors can monitor your health and transmit data to your doctor. That's a snapshot of what the 5G world will look like.

Amy Heckerling
Amy Heckerling

The way things have changed. The pictures in the womb they have now. They're just amazing. They're just like a snapshot of a person.

Angela Duckworth
Angela Duckworth

I now have Grit Scale scores from thousands of American adults. My data provide a snapshot of grit across adulthood. And I've discovered a strikingly consistent pattern: grit and age go hand in hand. Sixty-somethings tend to be grittier, on average, than fifty-somethings, who are in turn grittier than forty-somethings, and so on.

Benji Madden
Benji Madden

I've started to see records as just a snapshot, a portrait of where you were at at that time. And if you're comfortable with that, sometimes it's like an old high school year book picture - it makes you blush a little bit, but you gotta learn to really appreciate each stage of your life and where you're at.

Carmen Dell'Orefice
Carmen Dell'Orefice

My life has been amazing. How many other ladies of 76 can say that the snapshot on their senior citizen's card was taken by Norman Parkinson?

Charlie Brooker
Charlie Brooker

My bookshelves chiefly function as a snapshot of what I was reading prior to the invention of the Kindle.

Chet Faker
Chet Faker

An album is like a book or a diary or a snapshot... It just feels so like the end of a chapter when you finish one.

Damon Albarn
Damon Albarn

No, every album is something like a snapshot. It only shows one moment in time. It shows what we feel and think right at that point in time, nothing more and nothing less.

Demetri Martin
Demetri Martin

I love catching a snapshot of something that is just about to happen. Or maybe something that just happened, you know. But I like especially that just-before kind of feeling.